Robert Mak

"Jeet Kune Do" tells the story of a Bruce Lee obsessed country bumpkin (Chen Tien-Xing) who practices Jeet Kune Do all day long, much to the dismay of his father (Bruce Leung), who had hoped his son would perfect the family's own martial art style, the Chen fist. Chen Tien-Xing travels to the city to enter a Jeet Kune Do competition. This experience makes him learn the true meaning and spirit of Jeet Kune Do.


Ray is a Manila cop who travels to Hong Kong on assignment. He searches for his girl friend Lina, and finds her - addicted to drugs. Heung Lan, his ex-partner, is an undercover Hong Kong cop investigating weapons smuggling. She provokes the smugglers by intercepting several shipments in Hong Kong, leading to several good, although brief fights. The drug smuggler kills Lina, and Ray swears vengeance. The head of the gang then returns to the Philippines, and with him, the action shifts back to the Philippines. The lady cop gets more than what she hoped for.


David and his lover, Donna, are teammates in the Thunderbolt Squad. During a raid on the crime syndicate headed by Andy, David is seriously wounded and falls into a coma.

The King of the Snake Monsters is attempting to revert back to human form but is opposed by the womanizing owner of a popular restaurant that specializes in medicinal snake soup.

During the shut down and destruction of the Japanese test camp Squadron 731 in Manchuria, a soldier becomes infected with a virus developed during the camp's testing and risks spreading it into Japan on the train ride home.


Yin lives with his uncle, a compulsive gambler who's piling up debts. Both love May. Yin chauffeurs for the shady Mr. Tanakawa who's selling a stolen missile guidance system. Two young thieves seem to know all Tanakawa's moves. Who's tipping them off? Meanwhile, a ghost whom Tanakawa raped and murdered 40 years before wants revenge and enlists the help of an apprentice Taoist priest. Yin, the ghost, the young thieves, and the apprentice must rescue the kidnaped May and face the forces of guns and magic that Tanakawa musters.


A Qing's wife A Yuhuai finally gave birth to a daughter, the child grew up with strange behavior, violent, and brings a lot of trouble at home. The daughter is possessed by a demon.

Ting Sau-Ling (Jacqueline Ng) is kidnapped by a gang in Shenzhen but she's rescued by Lau Koon (Robert Mak Tak-Law). The two get to know each other--in order to survive Lau Koon resolutely sneaks into Hong Kong to kill the gang.Ting Kwok-Bo (Lau Dan), gang leader and acquaintance of Lau Koon, pleads to him and sends May (Isabel Leung Pooi-Woo) to be his lover. Tensions rise as the love triangle between Sau-Ling, Lau Koon, and May is complicated by the conspiracies of the gangs of Hong Kong.

Wong Wai-yip spins this cheapie action flick about a Hong Kong female ubercop named Li Tong (Sharon Yeung Pan-pan). As the film opens, Tong ventures into China to hunt down a band of villainous drug traffickers. Though she has been reluctantly paired up with her Mainland counterpart Chiang Hung (Sibelle Hu Hui-chung), Tong prefers to work alone, traveling incognito as a camera-happy tourist. Chiang dutifully tails her erstwhile partner, eventually saving her life from a high-kicking assassination attempt. Later, when the baddies catch up with Chiang and her, leaving her for dead, Tong saves her partner and agrees to hunt down these black-hearted villains together. Cult 1970s kung-fu star Carter Wong also makes an appearance in the film.


Hong Kong remake of Brian de Palma's Scarface.

A teacher and his five female students are attacked by a monster with neon-green eyes.The teacher escapes but his students are completely dismembered.He soon discovers the monster is worshipped by a cult whose ambition is to rule the world and tear the clothes off young girls.


Lam, a cop approaching 40 but without much accomplishment, always wants to achieve something memorable before his retirement. He is obliged by his sister to find a decent Chinese girl for his nephew, Baffalo, who is an "American Born Chinese". But Baffalo has an eye for a sweetie, Ellen, who has accidentally witnessed a murder. The incident gets Lam, Baffalo and Ellen being involved in a ruthless underground arms smuggling ring, wich sends the killer to eliminate them.


During the transaction of weapons with another gang, Hong Kong triad boss Lu Gang was sold out by his henchmen Shui-Jin and Da-Ji, who work with Lord Gu and Japanese killer team and take Lu Gang’s life on the scene. The weapons and drugs worth 20 million US dollars are grasped with nothing left. So the mafia from Italy orders to hunt the two down. The police immediately start with investigation after learning the news…


Return Of The Demon tells the story of a group of treasure hunters who accidentally unleash a malevolent, soul-stealing ghost who is attempting to reincarnate himself. A series of misadventures follow as the heroes try to contain their foe, including an extended sequence where one of the group becomes possessed by the spirit of a dog and transforms into a werewolf-style creature. Fierce, the leader of the treasure-hunting crew, is played by veteran character actor Shing Fui-On


When the vampire comes back to life, hell breaks loose.


A small town is protected by one of the famous Ten Tigers of Kwangtung. The town is very safe as Ti Lung and his Kung Fu students patrol for criminals. Enter the rival Kung Fu school whom Ti Lung's students have beaten in a lion dance competition and then humiliated in a brawl. The rival school is joined by an opium dealing Kung Fu master who plans to turn the town into a community of addicts!


The spirit of a deceased conjoined twin haunts her unknowing sister.


The Yangs are betrayed by a government official conspiring with the Mongols. All of the Yang family males except the 5th and 6th brother are killed. Fu Sheng loses his mind after the death of his family, while the other brother takes refuge in a Buddhist temple.


Wong Hsia Yuan is an old-fashioned martial arts master who's so behind the times that he'd rather his school be destroyed than change its ways. He may get his wish, thanks to the young, beautiful, intelligent Chan Mei Ling (Kara Wai Ying Hung), who arrives from the states to open a new branch of the school. Armed with an unfamiliar, modern way of thinking, Mei Ling goes about recruiting new students in strange, and sometimes questionably legal ways. Yuan is furious, but when the local triads enter the picture, the two put their differences aside to take back the neighborhood.


Patrick Tse is the thief of thieves whose family is long retired from the robin hood lifestyle for 10 years. Recent robberies have occured who use the families calling card and the police forcefully want this mystery solved. They suspect smeone from there past but feel this cant not be him, then who is it?


In “82 Tenants” the widow Zhang and Bing, her new young consort, want to sell an apartment house to a property developer but old man Zhang's will provided that the current tenants can stay there as long as they want or the building survives. So it is clear who the villains are—joining the greedy couple is Chao who has purchased all the land around the building but needs this final piece so he can know everything down and build a money spinning edifice. One the other side are the tenants, a disparate group whose grudgingly and occasionally antagonistically shared communal life, while not ideal, is certainly better than not having a place to live.


Wong Fei Hung (Gordon Liu) and his friend are constantly having contests to see who has the better martial arts skill. After getting in trouble with their fathers, Wong Fei Hung settles down and starts to train seriously, while his friend still horses around. After his friend is hurt by a rival school, Wong goes to the school for retribution. Instead his skill is tested through a series of events which climax with him taking on a Northern martial artist (Wang Lung Wei). In an excellent battle of skill (and choreography), he earns the respect of the rival school. Also stars Mai Te Lo and Hui Ying Hung.


Cheng (Kara Hui Ying Hung), a beautiful martial arts ace, battles to keep her inheritance from the ruthless Yun Wei (Johnny Wang Lung Wei), but her efforts are sabotaged by Yu Tao (Hsaio Ho), her wayward and irrepressible great-nephew. Following a frenzy of spectacular comic mishaps, the hapless duo are setup and imprisoned and the deeds to Cheng's estate are stolen. She is held hostage after a doomed attempt to reclaim the papers back from Yu Wei's place, and the stage is set for a savage fight to the death.


Acclaimed actor Danny Lee, known for his role in john Woo’s The Killer, has his directing debut in One Way Only, a Hong Kong Easy Rider, where the road and motorbikes are symbols of freedom against government oppression, which Jack Kerouac’s sees as a way of discovering oneself. Li plays a motorbike workshop owner that although injured during an illegal motorcycle race, continues to race regardless of the physical consequences and the law, because the road rules all.


The film is about Fen, who hangs out with four total losers who are in "Macho Man" tank tops and what happens. Ching Li plays Selina, who is a commercial director who hires him.


Jin bei tong opens with a group of escort/guards preparing to move a shipment of gold from the local government to an area stricken by famine... one of the very few Venom films where all six Venom actors are present within a single film.


Crippled Avengers is a 1978 Shaw Brothers kung fu film directed by Chang Cheh and starring four members of the Venom Mob. It has been released in North America as Mortal Combat and Return of the 5 Deadly Venoms. The film follows a group of martial artists seeking revenge after being crippled by Tu Tin-To (Chen Kuan Tai), a martial arts master, and his son (Lu Feng).
