Robert Olsen

Ida and her friend Rachael return to Ida's house after a harrowing day in the desert where their film-crew friends vanish. Through some quirk in technology it appears they went back in time where Ida's then 20-year-old father kills a crew member during a fight. Ida takes Rachael to her father's workshop where they look at an old 16mm black-and-white film that captures the fragments of events from that day... a 37 years ago.

When their car breaks down, a couple on the run headed southbound for a fresh start in the Sunshine State break into a nearby house looking for a new set of wheels. What they find instead is a dark secret, and a sweet-as-pie pair of homeowners who will do anything to keep it from getting out.


When his home of New Eden is destroyed by a revitalized Brotherhood and its new Vamp leader, Martin finds himself alone in the badlands of America with only the distant memory of his mentor and legendary vampire hunter, Mister, to guide him.


Demon hunter, Jebediah Huntley teams up with an FBI agent to battle a supernatural force in the southern state of Mississippi.


A night out turns deadly when three girls break into a seemingly empty mansion.


Inspired by the first girl he ever loved, Eric Chaney's magnetic debut film introduces us to Mark and Christina, a girl as mysterious as she is candid, as aloof as she is available. In one pastoral hometown summer, they spiral around one another in a universe of coincident deaths and disappearances, falling slowly into and away from love.


A comic short film that explores a hypothetical reality where the answer to the question in its title would be "No, much more".


Plot is under wraps.