Roberto Cañedo

Fernando Almada is 'El Griego' a world famous ventriloquist now on the brink of madness. Because he can no longer find an audience for his show, his strange personality makes him abuse the puppets he works with. But they seem to have a life of their own. Now Fernando is swep into a world of terror as the puppets seek their revenge!


A gun for hire's son decides to follow in his father's footsteps but must fight to earn his mother's love once more.

A criminal organization hires some ninjas to steal the formula for a new drug, described as cheaper and more powerful than cocaine. As it turns out, the industrialist who financed the research has taken elaborate steps to make sure that the new substance won´t fall into the wrong hands, and the ninjas find they have only succeeded in stealing half the formula. To please their disgruntled employers, the evil ninjas try to blackmail the industrialist into handing over the remaining half and it´s up to the Mexican Ninja and his pals to stop him.


A man with economic problems get's involved with the mafia, but when he is asked to commit murder he refuses, which gets him in trouble with a drug lord, this brings nothing but problems to his son, who must now take control of the situation.


A paid assassin who fights a criminal organization in order to find the person responsible of his mother’s death, beginning with the organization’s leader down to the very last one. Then he discovers that the only witness of his mother’s murder is...

The forces of evil threaten Monterrey but are opposed by a flying superhero named Mágico.


Mexican horror / thriller involves cockfighting and a cursed rooster. And no, I'm not joking.

Mil Máscaras leads a group of wrestlers who take on a challenge in the ring from karate fighters at a martial arts school, while at the same time grappling with an ambitious promoter and a corrupt media businessman. This film was written and produced by Mil Máscaras under his real name of Aarón Rodríguez and features appearances by some well known luchadors including Blue Demon Jr., Dos Caras ( Mil Máscara's real-life brother) and Hombre Araña, who dresses as the comic book hero Spider-Man.

Ruben Galindo's "Grave Robbers" tells the tale of an undead axe-wielding Satanist brought back by young grave robbers.An undead satanic priest is released from his chains of death.And he is thirsty for blood!


Henpecked hubby and battleaxe wife prepare for their son's upcoming wedding.

A crazed forest dwelling rapist / killer attacks and murders a family. The husband / father ends up survives and sets out for revenge in this sadistic and splattery shocker.


A young woman is exploited by a series of men over the course of her life and ends up leading a battalion in the Mexican Revolution.


A sadistic psycho, disguised as a military man and wearing a helmet, attacks and murders (mostly) women in a small town. It's up to the police captain and his girlfriend (who must act as a decoy) to stop him.


When visiting their grandmother, two gunslingers help rescuing their cousin from criminals.


Stranger with a dark past infects a small-town girl with HIV, and the contagion spreads out from there. Public health officials get involved...


Jesús was framed for a crime he didn't commit, he serves his sentence and then goes home to get revenge.


Vicky loves Ricardo but Ricardo loves Barbara. So, Vicky goes to a gypsy witch who convinces her she must make a pact with Satan in order to cast an effective love spell on Ricardo. After Vicky gives her body and soul to the Dark One, she engages with Ricardo in a passionate night of lovemaking that is cut short by Satan, who, sensing that Ricardo has not completely fallen under the spell, orders Vicky to kill him. Following Ricardo's death, his brother Carlos is haunted by nightmares of the dead sibling, who appears and takes possession of Carlos in order to get his revenge on Vicky. This 1984 release uses mucho footage from the 1968 film Cautivo del mas allá, but adds new scenes of gore, zombies and nudity.


A shady character substitutes himself for the new minister in a turn-of-the-century border town.

Arms/drug smuggler wants Maria to take care of his puppies... but he also has reasons to kill off most of her menfolk family members, one or two at a time.

Lola finds herself into the world of violence and drug trafficking when her father is murdered for refusing to put his truck to the service of a powerful cartel, with protections at high police levels. Knowing the local officials will not serve out justice, she takes matters into her own hands. Armed with a machine gun, she'll attempt to get revenge by her own hands - but the enemy has more firepower than her.


Six male cousins gather at uncle's farm to woo three female cousins. Hijinks.

In a small western town, a father obliges a doctor to separate two conjoined twins in a very hazardous operation. One of the children dies but years after seems to have survived as his brother's second personality.


In the storm is a Mexican film of the year 1980 directed by Fernando Vallejo. The film is about the time of La Violencia in Colombia. Vallejo wanted to make the film in Colombia, however he found numerous obstacles to film it in the country so he decided to do it in Mexico with Mexican actors and recreating the Colombian landscapes in that country.


The tragic adventures of a illiterate man named "Milusos" who leaves his family & hometown to go to the big city and try to better his luck. And finds he's unprepared for what he encounters.


Young man avenges the murder of his family by representatives of a US oil company.


After one is arrested - possibly unjustly - for murder, the lives of two brothers spiral out of control.


Remake of Pueblerina (1949). Convict is released from prison and tries to pick up his life-farm-girlfriend where he left off with them. But there are obstacles.


Mariano Landeros is sworn by his mother to look for the murderer of his father at all costs, the proof would bring that Doroteo Carrillo earring snatched his mother when it happened the asesinato.Mariano part unstoppably to find the murderer finding in the way love, hate and violence.


Young heroin addict dies in the pursuit of his calling, and his brother goes on a vendetta against the narco gang that supplied his drugs.


Fictionalized account of the political struggle over land-grants led by Reies Lopez Tijerina in New Mexico in the 70s.

When they were children, siblings Sergio and Teresa made a promise to never leave each other. That unhealthy co-dependence continues on into adulthood, with Teresa proving to be a violent schizophrenic who's set off any time someone threatens to come between her and her brother. Sergio Véjar (camera operator in some Luis Buñuel's most popular films) writes and directs this strange story "based on true facts" with some reminiscences of Buñuel's melodramas.


Young wrestler runs afoul of gambling-syndicate Mafiosi; his twin brother and two friends meet at his funeral and decide to avenge his murder (which they don't even start doing until the sequel).


Twin brother of murdered pro-wrestler goes after the killerses.

A tragic celestial-western that explores Adam and Eve's paradise from a surreal point of view.


Dr. Frankenstein and her assistant, Dr. Yanco, are going to bring one of their experiments to life in Santo Vs. Frankenstein's Daughter. She intends to use a monster named Ursus to do her evil bidding. Using a youth serum to retain their vitality, the doctors set their sights upon none other than El Santo. They need his super human blood to regenerate a stronger youth serum. They kidnap Santo's goddaughter, Norma and lure him into Dr. Frankenstein's lab where he is captured and enslaved. Will Santo make it out alive?


Anthology film: three "sophisticated" rom-com scenarios.


The story revolves around Laura, a white singer, and Angustias, her longtime black friend, with both mothers dedicated to the education of their daughters: Alicia and Roberta. Trouble ensues when Laura’s daughter, Alicia, falls in love with Ricardo, a young black medical student.


After accidentally hitting a boy with her car, a young woman pretends to be a nurse in order secretly help him to recover.


A man, torn inside by two passions, falls for the woman against whom he sought revenge, believing her to be responsible for the death of his brother.


Self-hating mixed-race woman denies her African heritage.

Saloon-owner's a hard guy and none too law-abiding; his twelve year old son comes to live with him and he starts changing his ways... but his past is likely to catch up with him.

Psycho-killer in the bosom of the family. One dark and stormy night...


Mariana defies her father to marry a young man he disapproves of. Over time, she develops a vague mental condition of some sort and her husband beats the hell out of her in frustration. Things go downhill from there.

A whacked out scientist is capturing wrestlers (because they are "perfect") and using their spinal fluid to create a Gill Man. Two cops call in Batwoman to investigate. She steals aboard the baddies boat , uncovers his mad plan, but she is discovered and during a scuffle our hero tosses acid in the scientists face. This doesn't sit too well with the dude and he seeks revenge. His plan, capture her and turn her into a Gill Woman!


Esperanza (Angelica Maria) is a young novice living in a quiet convent full of old nuns. After eating some "special" mushrooms, innocent Esperanza becomes modern and psychodelic Brenda: a subversive girl who raids a high-society party, sings subversive songs and charms young fellows. Brenda and five boys leave the party, assault an ice-cream parlor (they ask for "five of chocolate and one of strawberry") and finally kidnap a banker. In between, a Commissioner from the Surveillance International Agency follows Brenda's tracks, while the girl changes personalities due to the mushroom eating.


A sex killer is on the loose.

Desperate and "ugly" Vicki goes to see a witch and strips and bares all for Satan, plus forks over her soul, in exchange for money, love, beauty and success. She then turns hot, marries a rich dude and becomes a much-lusted-after feather dancer. With a special dagger she kills her hubby for his loot but then his brother becomes involved and ends up on trial for murder himself. Can he and his lawyer convince the jury supernatural events were in play? Footage from this later became the backbone for the crazy exploitation horror flick Terror, Sex and Witchcraft (1984).

A woman jumping from the poverty of the countryside to the splendor of wealth in the city without losing its simplicity


Taciturn gunslinger 'helps out' a widow lady under siege from bad guys.


Secret Organizational Service (S.O.S.) is an international crime syndicate, quite successful with their feminine agents operating under the guise of a fashion model agency led by Lady Bristol and her associate Luigi. The International Service is the governmental secret service decided to put a term to SOS's action. An agent has infiltrated SOS - but she is in danger, after sending a coded message to her supervising Inspector. So, agents Alex Dinamo is to join forces with Adriana, and give the undercover agent a hand.


Priest is sympathetic and understanding toward mod-era young folks and their new world-view... but he gets in trouble with a biker gang and with a young woman who crushes unhealthily on him.


Anthology movie, three cynical "contes cruels."


Flower-girl from Xochimilco is discovered by photographer and launched as supermodel.


When his mother Dolores dies, Juan Preciado, son of Pedro Páramo, goes to Comala to claim his inheritance; but when he arrives he finds an abandoned and sinister place, inhabited by mysterious voices and whispers…


Male-bonding, practical jokes, romantic rivalries among cadets in a police academy.


Laredo is a criminal, specialist in opening safes. Childhood friend of the police commander, he carries with him an uneasy relationship that is further complicated because both are in love with the same young singer. After an elaborate and audacious coup in which he steals a million dollars, Laredo is rejected by his beloved. In his flight he arrives to a small town where by a stroke of fate is mistaken for a teacher. Laredo finds there a young teacher who will take possession of his heart, and will get his life straight.


Witch Salome wants revenge. Only her riders can do it.


When Santo beat to Estrangulador, one of his strongest enemies, thought not ever see it, but thanks to Tor returns to avenge the death of Santo.


Four guys share an apartment while attending art-school.


Drifter returns to his home town for revenge, but he get caught up in the town's interpersonal dramas.


Teen-pop singer launches his career. Family conflicts and girlfriend troubles.


A wealthy, young Mexican woman is under a werewolf's curse.


Man tracks down the five people responsible for killing his father. Semi-sorta sequel to Juan Sin Miedo (1964).


A new Judge and Sheriff, plus support staff, come to town to clean up El Dorado's lawless ways.

Anthology film, four stories set in Guadalajara and environs.

Sixteenth century swordsmen adventure.


A rare and impossible to find Mexican adventure / fantasy / horror.

Bank robbers face obstacles when they try to retrieve stolen money that one of their gang buried.

A mad scientist terrorizes a city by kidnapping young women with his ape-man Gomar and then using them as subjects in sadistic brain transplant experiments. A female wrestler whose sister was one of the victims swears vengeance against the Mad Doctor.


Papa hires a "boyfriend" to indulge her in her fantasies of old-fashioned romance.


A poor little girl slips in a circus one day and sees a puppets' show. Later she returns to the empty circus looking for a fairy she was fascinated by.


An obscure old dark house horror melodrama from Mexico. Based on the novel "El fistol del diablo" by Manuel Payno.

Romantic comedy about two school-teachers with show-biz aspirations.

The discovery of a young woman murdered in her car triggers unrelated problems among a diverse group of people.


Working in a department store exposes young ladies to corrupting influences.


Satan tries to corrupt mortal man by gifting him with an enchanted tie-tack. First of four in a series.


Four young ladies, four fiances, nine crises. Then, the big day.


Family with young-adult children returns to Mexico after many years in Spain.


Part of a series of films based on portions of the Manuel Payno novel "El fisto del diablo." The others are El fistol del diablo, Juego diabólico and El ataúd infernal. All were directed by Fernando Fernández and star Roberto Cañedo.

Entry in a four part series based on the novel "El fisto del diablo" by Manuel Payno.

The movie situated in post-revolutionary Mexico describes the way politics were done in those times. Ignacio Jimenez is chosen as the candidate of the Partido Radical Progresista, but he isn't so sure about it, because he knows his boss, El Caudillo has chosen another candidate. Several political moves are done between the parties, leading to a thunderous climax.


Three high-school girls prepare for the most beautiful night of their lives omg.


Bank-robber hiding out after a heist discovers that half the world knows where he is. Can he finesse some way out of his predicament?


Aroused citizens assassinate an unpopular Caribbean despot, then two men vie for his gorgeous widow Ines. Ojeda is a steamy, isolated island, the penal colony for an oppressive dictatorship. A reactionary seizes the murdered governor's post, and rushes to eliminate his romantic rival, an idealistic underling. The bureaucrat Vazquez hopes to marshal the angry residents of the capitol, El Pao, plus the many political prisoners, to oust Governor Gual.


Scheming secretary sabotages her boss's wedding plans and snags him for herself. She, him, his brother and the abandoned pregnant fiance all suffer as a result.


Blowhard's mouth runs away with him and he's trapped into having to prove that he knows Maria Antonieta Pons, the big movie star and stuff.


A great love story based on the idea and development of the famous monument that decorating Mexico City.


Anthology-movie with episodes set in Cuba, Mexico and Colombia.


Police procedural: some detail pertaining to a murder case is nagging at the back of a detective's mind "like having a stone in his shoe." Once he teases it to the surface, he solves the case.


Grad student takes a summer gig acting as house mother/chaperone to a group of teenaged girls vacationing at a country villa.


Unethical industrialist gets taken down by a combination of forces including labor activists and a kill-crazy tribal Indian.


Lives in a "model factory," designed to create a progressive community among the workers.


Based on the novel by Caridad Bravo Adams.


A widowed doctor with a sick child marries a famous singer unpremeditatedly, running at first everything fine until she begins to long for his former life and scenic successes representing the only reason for existence.


Reporters compete for cash prize awarded for biggest scoop on New Year's Eve. .


Newlywed couple move from small town to Mexico City. Their first night in the city, they get separated by accident, and it takes them 90 minutes and lots of incidents before they find each other again.


Los dineros del diablo (The Devil's Money) is a Mexican drama film directed by Alejandro Galindo. It was released in 1953 and starring Amalia Aguilar and Roberto Cañedo.


Mr. X is convicted of killing Mr. Y and serves a jail sentence. After being released, he discovers that Mr. Y is still alive...


Refugee from Spanish Civil War deals with PTSD and a romantic triangle while trying to find her father's murderer.

Negro Es Mi Color (literally translates to "Black Is My Color"), the 1951 Tito Davison Mexican racial musical melodrama (about a light-skinned Mexican woman with dark-skinned parents who passes as "white"; a Mexican version of "Imitation of Life")


Civic-minded elementary-school teacher marries and sets up home with wife and her little brother. The-e-n...


Nightclub dancer comes unglued after killing a man.


1830s, guerrillas in the hills resisting the French occupation. Meanwhile, their leader has a French officer and another guy chasing after his fiancé, and...

Adaptation of Dostoyevsky's novel about a student who plans a conceptual murder and then butts heads with a police detective.


A story about two men caught in the Mexican revolution: close friends before, but now on the opposite sides. One of them is military officer, while the other one expects capital punishment. The prisoner's mother comes to visit his son, unaware that his former best friend is now his enemy.


Amalia, aged, remember when Fernando Mendoza, his former medical school, came to San Esteban, the town where she lived. They worked together and became his love. Although he was engaged to another, Fernando decided to return to the city to complete his commitment to her and finally reunited with Amalia, but the facts do not happen as they had planned.


Emilio Fernandez directs Dolores Del Rio and Pedro Armendariz in a classic tale of family and obsession. Raimunda's daughter Acacia hates her stepfather Esteban, and in order to escape her suffocating home life she's accepted a marriage proposal from a man she doesn't even love. But Esteban has become obsessed with Acacia, and in order to ensure that she doesn't leave he's plotting to murder the girl's unsuspecting fiancée. As Esteban's true nature emerges, mother and daughter must band together to support one another and make sure that their family bond remains strong even in the darkest of times.


Aurelio Rodríguez is released from jail, and tries to start a new life marrying Paloma and working his land. But the local landowners, the brothers González, interfere with his plans.


Know what this is about?


After cohabiting with a man without benefit of marriage, a young woman discovers the emotional cost of her sinful perversity.

Mercedes (Marga Lopez) dances for money with the clients of Salon Mexico, a famous cabaret in Mexico City. Her younger sister Beatriz (Derbez) studies in an expensive private school, paid by Mercedes. Obviously, young Beatriz doesn't know about her sister's job. Troubles begin when Mercedes wins a danzon contest with Paco (Acosta), her pimp. Paco refuses to share the prize with Mercedes, so she steals the money when he's sleeping.


Johnny Carmenta is a gunman who heads a gang of gangsters. Carmenta secretly acts as a kind of El Zorro, helping the unprotected.


On a small Mexican island dwells a group of Indians who live in the traditional manner and who disdain outsiders. The beautiful Maclovia and the poverty-stricken Jose Maria are in love, but her father refuses to allow their marriage, or even any communication between them, due to Jose Maria's lack of means.


Called by the Mexican President himself, and in spite of a heart condition, young teacher Rosaura Salazar travels to the deserted town of Rio Escondido to accomplish the mission of bringing education to the poorest people. Being there, Salazar has to fight Regino Sandoval the evil landlord of the town. He has transformed the town into his own property, imposing his will and spreading death everywhere.


Boisterous young charro has to prove to his girlfriend's parents that he's ready to settle down and be a responsible adult... but then somebody frames him for a murder and he has more immediate problems to deal with.


Young couple run off to join the Mexican Revolution, in part because she has a crush on Francisco Villa.


Fred C. Dobbs and Bob Curtin, both down on their luck in Tampico, Mexico in 1925, meet up with a grizzled prospector named Howard and decide to join with him in search of gold in the wilds of central Mexico. Through enormous difficulties, they eventually succeed in finding gold, but bandits, the elements, and most especially greed threaten to turn their success into disaster.


Gangster Johnny Carmenta must confront the "Charro of the Slums" Pancho Domínguez, who has control over the city, but their rivalry gets worse when rumba dancer Rosa befriends both men.


Cantinflas is a private in the military, who doesn't know anything about discipline or following rules. He only wants to think about his girlfriend, the maid in an opulent hacienda. The owner of the hacienda has an ugly and shy daughter, who is in love with Cantinflas. The problems arrive when the family arranges a wedding between the ugly girl and Cantinflas, who in order to avoid the commitment gets himself arrested. During his punishment, Cantinflas learns to fly with a silly and poorly trained flight instructor.


Curious film about the Mexican immigrant stunned by the dollar and the English language. The plot deals with a serious social mood, but narrated as a tale of romantic entanglements. Agustin Isunza is a funny former farm worker, whose employers, young and attractive blond Joan Page and Clifford Carr, dazzle the sibling pair starring Luis Aguilar and Amanda del Llano. Miguel Inclan, a rich potter from the area, has put his eye on them to marry their children, Katy Jurado and Raul Guerrero.

A young ice cream vendor, Roberto Terranova, witnesses a child being beaten and comes to his aid by physically overpowering the aggressor. His strength and natural ability catches the eye of a well-known boxing trainer. Considering him a diamond in the rough, he aims to put Roberto in the professional ring. But Roberto finds that his personal challenges must be overcome before he can achieve professional greatness.


Woman chooses between two suitors. The lucky one is a cad and cheats on her, the one who was rejected hangs around in the background to set things right whenever she has a problem.

Misogynist military asshole is laid up for a month with a broken leg and during his convalescence he learns all the needed life-lessons.


In Guanajuato mid-nineteenth century, the beauty and charm of the young heiress Amalia conquer the lowly foreman Ricardo with fatal results. Prevented from consummating their love, Ricardo is going to Guanajuato where again later become the rich owner of a mine. On his return, fate has prepared a tragic encounter with Amalia.


Cantinflas, on a drunken night, becomes Army soldier. Soon, he meets the Devil who tries to make it an evil being.


The owner of an illegal gambling casino witnesses all the problems in the life of her dissolute son and finally acts in a way that'll help him rehabilitate himself.


City slicker scams on young farmgirl while her fiance's in USA on a work permit.


Uncultured nouveau- riche wants to be received in high society. Loose adaptation of Moliere.


Cantinflas is a vagrant being evicted for not paying rent, after wandering gets a job at the 'Grand Hotel' through a friend, that's confused by Count Zapatini, who is undercover in the hotel, stealing a gem making this funny movie more complicated.


Spanish immigrant wants his sons to join him in running his business, but they all have other ambitions.


Farmhand moves to the city to be with his mother. He falls in love with the daughter of the rich family for whom she works as housekeeper, and decides to take advantage of his skill as a bullfighter to earn money and status enough to be able to court her.

Mexican Fu Manchu adaptation.


Peasant farmer and landowner are rivals for a woman. Sequel to Ay Jalisco No Te Rajes.


The love between María Ángela and Fernando is impossible because there's an ancient history of hate between their families. His father killed hers, and other family members have killed each other for years. When María Ángela's grandfather finds she's in love with Fernando, he frames the young man and forces her to marry Manuel. Maria Ángela finds that Manuel doesn't love her and together plan her escape with Fernando. But things go wrong and the lovers find their destiny in The Spirit's Canyon.


Ranchera melodrama/romance.


A woman hardened by her past now runs a ranch she acquired through manipulation and bribery.


Adaptation of Dumas' swashbuckler classic.


Cantinflas and three friends return a stolen necklace to an actress who invites them to be extras at Clasa studios. While on the set, he falls asleep and dreams that he is d'Artagnan, fighting on behalf of Queen Anne.


Three Mexican friends decide to go to Vercacruz Carnaval to celebrate. There they watch Cantinflas' show of torero and boxer.


International committee mounts a revue to promote Pan-American unity. Showbiz hotel rom-com hilarity ensues.

Divorced mother struggles to raise her large family.


A gang of thieves has jeopardized the city and even the police, whose chief urges their forces to captured the band within 48 hours. Meanwhile, band members meet in a cafe run by a widow and her daughter and her suitor, Cantinflas, who maintains a scuffle with the robbers running all at the station. Since then, Cantinflas become a member of the police force for special missions.
