Roberto Ceccacci

A 1994 Italian film.


Edward Sacchi is a wealthy and apparently content married man but underneath he is driven by a desire to seduce and discard women. One of his conquests, Lucy, falls in love with him and when spurned, commits suicide. Edward is shocked but continues as before. Each of his lovers are subsequently murdered and he is arrested. However, his wife saves him by arranging an appointment with the real killer...


Matteo Scuro is a retired Sicilian bureaucrat, a widower with five children, all of whom live on the mainland and hold responsible jobs. He decides to surprise each with a visit and finds none as he imagined.


After eighteen years of psychiatric care, the former bank manager Augusto Scrivani returns home from his daughter-in-law Carla ... Dino Risi directs a melancholy and scratchy Gassman.


A dying man gives his lawyer a tape that manipulates her into taking a posthumous revenge on those who made his life Hell.


Miriam Rossi arrives at a small village to take possession of a well located hotel that she inherited from her grandfather.


L'omicidio di un camionista avvenuto su di un'autostrada nei pressi di Roma mette in allarme la polizia che affida le indagini all'ispettore Giraldi.


At work, Mario Millio is the only male nurse not on strike. At home, his wife is more interested in calling the hot-line of a local TV-doctor. When Mario wins 15 million Lire in the lottery, he buys himself a new car and starts to live out his dreams in secret. All goes well until a criminal steals the car and Mario is blamed for the car thief's crimes


Four women of Gubbio - Angelica, Violetta, Lisa and Bettina - are conducted before the court by their lovers and husbands.


Viking chief Thorvald dies from a mortal combat wound. He realizes his son Erloff is not a worthy successor, but his will divides his property equally between him and Erik, the valiant son of his sister, who also gets his weapons and the mission to lead a sea-faring expedition to find new land for a settlement, crucial as their Scandinavian home village won't be able to resist the might of the Danish kingdom.
