Roberto Chevalier

This movie captures the Capuchin friar's intense faith and devotion, and deep spiritual concern for others, as well as his great compassion for the sick and suffering. It reveals the amazing details and events in Padre Pio's life as a boy and throughout his 50 years as a friar, dramatizing the frequent attacks of the Devil on him, as well as the persecution he suffered at the hands of people, including those in the church. Starring Italian actor Sergio Castellitto, and directed by Carlo Carlei, this is an outstanding feature film on the amazing life of this great saint.


A comedy about the adventures of several families during their sea vacations.


Davide Camporesi is the owner of the Pensione "Tornerai" of Cesenatico, which he manages familiarly with his wife Elvira and his daughter Carletta, preferentially welcoming Germans. One day, while in the country for the purchase of wine dangerously crosses the machine of Vindice Forattini, a former companion in the XII Matteotti Brigade of Partigiani, a friend who has lost sight of for thirty years and now travels with his daughter Cesarina to sell agricultural feeds owned by a small industry in Codigoro. The casual encounter determines a transfer of Cesarina to the Camporesi and, little by little, leads to the crush of David who, having become a lover of his friend's daughter, flees with the same abandoning Elvira and Carletta. Pursued by Vindice, wanted by the Carabinieri.


Anna and Marcello, two wealthy high school students. they would like to consume their Platonic love so far, going against the directives of their parents ... who get in the way to prevent their sexual initiation.


After his Western triumphs, Valerii stepped out of the shadow of Sergio Leone with this distinctly Bergmanesque sexual melodrama.Dionisio is perfect in the title role and this remains her best film, Valerii turns up along the way too. Just when the film hits a period of auto pilot John Steiner turns up in the final reel for a climax that is quite unforgettable. A bit difficult to trace but well worth the effort.


The myths of the sixties are satirized in 20 episodes.


Some kids find by chance an infant in swaddling clothes left in a meadow. Initially, after having led in their lair, they think of selling it to a caravan of gypsies.


The evil King Zagro has designs on the beautiful Princess Sira. He wants to marry her so he can take over her kingdom and add it to his own. When Sira is kidnapped, Ursus leaves his farm to rescue her and to eventually lead a revolt against King Zagro.


The title of this Italian slice-of-life drama translates to Young Husbands. The husbands in question rather casually enter into marriage, never intending true fidelity to their spouses. When they realize that they're committed for life, our immature heroes return to their home town for one last fling. In the course of their final hours of bachelorhood, they come to the sobering conclusion that their carefree youth is not only past, it's already long past. Somewhat reminiscent of Fellini's I Vitelloni, Giovani Mariti boasts excellent performances from all concerned.
