Roberto Lombardi

The sole survivor of a family tragedy is forced to face the truth about the events that changed his life a decade earlier.


Cat Vicious is a rising shock jock DJ, with a nihilistic on air personality, who spends most of her show mocking and belittling her listeners. But when a mysterious caller pirates her frequency, things take a turn for the terrifying as Cat ultimately realizes that her beloved radio station might soon become her tomb. Can she survive the night or will this be her last broadcast?

A sci-fi, horror, comedy hybrid about a secret government agency dedicated to responding to crank calls. While on a routine investigation, Agents Smith & Salisbury discover that a report about a homicidal alien on the loose in the woods who is killing off campers is actually true.

FredHeads is about a the fans within the A Nightmare on Elm Street community. As A Nightmare on Elm Street is a global phenomenon that continues to thrive many years after its 1984 release, fans of all ages nationally and internationally are invited to share their stories. With the central theme of how being a fan can change your life, FredHeads The Documentary, will feature fans of all types. The Documentary will follow a group of friends and share their story on how this franchise has impacted their lives. Along the way it will also showcase passionate fans, life-long fans, cosplayers, glove makers, artists, filmmakers, kids, and more. It will show how this franchise has built a community and home for so many. How it has truly become a family.

After sinking into a deep depression, riddled with writer's block and frustration, a comic creator is visited by his own caped creation: Ultra-Girl. Will she be able to inspire the man who made her? Or is this the end for both of them?


Hillary Clinton, Roberto Saviano, Jonathan Franzen and others weigh-in on the Elena Ferrante "craze" and what makes her work - and her mysterious persona - so uniquely captivating.


Blanche Montgomery finds herself in the a dangerous mix of paranoia and frustration as stories emerge of a Serial Killer who has been terrorizing the neighborhood she is currently living in.


The town of Deadwood Falls is no more. On Christmas Eve 2003, all 479 men, women and children simply disappeared overnight. There were no footprints into or out of the snowbound town. Leaving behind all of their belongings, the townspeople vanished without a trace. Only one person was found-a man whose body was burned from head to toe and who has remained in a coma all these years. Until tonight that is-on the 7th anniversary of the town's disappearance, the mysterious survivor has awakened...

Steve and Marcus were best friends in high school. They now lead very different lives, but meet again at a Halloween party long after they graduated. After venturing to Marcus' secluded family home deep in the woods, their lives unravel with deadly consequences. Steve tries to move on, but the encounter with The Mask changes him forever.

Third part in the "Masks" series that follows what happens to Steve after the events of the first film.

Horror/Comedy that takes place in a movie theater as patrons watch the trailers of B Movie trailers.


Jaci v. Solitaire


Playboy millionaire, Tony Canoni, is caught between a satanic vampire cult and the Yakuza, but taking on undead blood suckers and the Japanese mafia isn't as hard as studying for his GED test at Night School. Based on a true story. Except the mafia part. We all know that there are no such things as the "Japanese".


Prequel to the 2013 Charles A. Christman III short film "Masks" that shows the origins of how the man became "The Mask" and the internal struggle that later leads to murder. When Tim comes home from work, he finds his best friend waiting for him in a disoriented state. While trying to inquire and remedy the situation, he comes to find out that his childhood friend is no longer there and a darker, dormant presence is taking shape.

When Jack, a rough and tough vampire slayer, is bitten by his arch-nemesis Monty, he has but one day left to live before he becomes the very thing he has been hunting for most of his life.


A comedy about a group of self-centered 20-somethings trying to navigate their way through relationships in a city that's under constant attack from a giant, fire-breathing Japanese monster.


Set in Philadelphia, "The Underground Kings" centers around police corruption and criminal underworld. It starts in Harrisburg as undercover cop Jayson Wylie is shot and left for dead in a botched drug bust. His partner Noah Carter learns information from a DEA Agent Daniel House from Philadelphia, whose been investigating the overdosing death of his wife, that this shooting was not accidental, but a set up. Philadelphia Police Lieutenant Jack Wilcox whom is an advisor to the Harrisburg Police Departments Narcotics Division tips off Smooth, one of Philadelphia's largest crime bosses, that his enforcers Rashaad and Will are about to be taken down by Jayson and his team. Smooth alerts them about the drug bust and they attempt to eradicate the problem. Agent Daniel House is successfully able to talk Noah into going undercover in Philadelphia to expose the police corruption in the city, take down Smooth's criminal empire and avenge both his wife and Noah's partners shooting. As Noah infiltrates Smooth's organization, he learns that Smooth is just one crab in the cities barrel of many, fighting to climb to the top of Philly's crime chain. Smooth's main oppositions in the diversified city are Cuban, his larger then life Hispanic drug connect out of North Philly, Paulie a South Philly Italian that owns gambling houses, number running and is looking to diversify into the narcotics business and Eric, his childhood friend and longtime partner whom has a gambling problem and feels Smooth doesn't give him the respect that he deserves. And while these gentleman jockey each other for position, Lieutenant Wilcox stands there with a lid in one hand a glove on the other carefully picking and choosing whom he wants to assist when its convenient for him. If at anytime he believes his career or reputation is being put in jeopardy, he is quickly prepared to cage all of them before any harm can come his way.


Twice decorated Sgt. Vincent Minette moves his family from New York to Rebus, New Jersey for a new detective job after his partner of 8 years was killed in a violent gang war. While driving with the new Rebus Chief of Police, new troubles begin. The corrupt Chief uses Minette's back up firearm to shoot a young drug dealer in cold blood. The police want to make sure that all new cops are either committed to the advancement of their corrupt brotherhood, or blackmailed for their silence. Minette, being a good cop stuck in a bad situation, has too many corrupt cops to take on himself and every friend could be a hidden enemy. Minette frames 5 black men from the neighborhood to help him catch these cops in the act without implementing Minette's involvement. Minette convinces these men this is a police funded group and they have to keep things quiet, but unknown to them, Minette is funding this crusade with his own police salary and it's running thin. Minette's actions have also attracted the attention of the biggest drug lord in Rebus. When his dirty cop protection starts to run thin. Minette seems to have success. Time and luck are running out for Minette as one of the men he framed is looking for the cop that murdered his younger brother and is using Minette's offer to secretly kill cops until the trail leads him to the firearm that killed his brother.


Steve and Marcus were best friends in high school. They now lead very different lives, but meet again at a Halloween party long after they graduated. After venturing to Marcus' secluded family home deep in the woods, their lives unravel with deadly consequences.


Deep in the Pennsylvania hills, a cemetery for those who died during exorcism remains a dark secret for the church. In 1671, hundreds of men, women, and children suffered in bloody, torturous rituals at the hands of priests unable to contain the evil of the possessed. Were these possessions real, or is the story a hoax to cover up the sins of the deranged priests thirsty for human blood? Bill and his team of cynical paranormal investigators plan to find out the truth. Armed with the church's historical record, they set out into the wilderness to uncover this series of forgotten atrocities. Alternately gut-punching hilarious and brutally violent, The Cemetery takes the best elements of the old-school slasher film and pushes them to the edge.


A documentary of serial killer Wayne Montgomery and his followers.


After a decade of verbally abusing his guests and spreading messages of hate and intolerance by way of his talk show - Beckford's Right, Stanton Beckford is about to receive an unscheduled call from a very dangerous viewer, the iPsycho. Seizing control of Beckford's car, the tech-savy mad man takes this conservative right winger on a ride to hell and back in an effort to make him see the error of his ways... But will he or will he fall victim to the killer's growing list of lost causes?


From the mind of James Brady, "COLOR" is a film about a group of 12 iconic figures who have an 'Alice in Wonderland' adventure while traveling through their own shared emotional roller coasters. All caused by Color.


The perfect killing machine is reprogrammed to think and feel.


Meet Zach. Nice guy. Terrible taste in women. They leave him, but they never forget him. He's heading into the next bad break-up when the newest fad in H2O drinks starts turning his ex girlfriends into zombies who have one idea - getting back together with Zach! Three friends must stop the Ex's and save the world.


After the death of her husband, a penniless woman moves into the home of her Uncle. Strange things begin to occur. Is the house haunted or is it something more?


The year is 2112. The United States is a divided country recovering from the results of a second civil war. The law is broken. States have reverted back to individual territories. Yet all this is but a mere backdrop. Our story focuses on Luke, the former leader of a gang of ruthless marauders known as the American Lawless. After an epiphany, Luke decides to turn legit and betrays his men by turning them over to the authorities. But vengeance comes swiftly when the gang escapes and comes looking for Luke and his wife, Rose. Will Luke be able to save Rose from the wrath of the American Lawless? Or will she be the price he pays?


A suicide patient is forced to dig his own grave at gun point.


A group of elite female bank robbers are thrown into a Mexican stand off when they discover that someone on their team might be a snitch for the cops...


The story follows the adventures of Aang, a young successor to a long line of Avatars, who must put his childhood ways aside and stop the Fire Nation from enslaving the Water, Earth and Air nations.


"Ghost Chicks' is a Reality Mini Series that captures the phenomenon of paranormal investigation. Unlike other ghost hunting programs, "Ghost Chicks" features an all female cast as they explore and investigate the existence of supernatural activity while offering views from the female perspective.


Ghost Blunders is a half hour comedy series that spoofs all of the popular reality "ghost hunting" and paranormal shows. Even though John Orrichio directs the TV series "Ghost Chicks" he sees the humor in this type of show. The list of paranormal shows goes on and on. Paranormal Cops, Psychic Kids, Psychokinetic Grandparents, Psychic Pets etc. Ghost Blunders takes bits and pieces from all of the popular shows and has fun with them. Using the same equipment as the real ghost hunting groups, they investigate various haunted locations each week. Follow our ghost hunters Byron, Mason and Ricki along with Father Timmy, Little Joe and psychic medium, Chic Java. You'll enjoy the fun and laughs!


As part of a last request, a hitman is forced to have lunch with his intended target, but there is more at stake than meets the eye in this suspense drama.


ABDUCTION: The town of Process is located somewhere in rural New Jersey. It's been in existence for over 100 years, although it's not on any known map. It's a nice place to visit, with lovely shops and friendly people. That is unless you are single, young, healthy and good looking! It's even worse if you are a female of childbearing age. The town has a very lucrative underground and Internet business specializing in selling human organs for transplant, selling babies to loving couples who are barren and auctioning young women into sex slavery.


Tells the story of a parolee, given a second chance at life, who falls victim to the viral, infectious control of the evil Dollman.


'Just Like Me' is the story of Bobby Green, a comedian who thinks he has to be more serious, and Marv Holtz, a serious Psychologist who thinks he needs to lighten up. They both meet Barbara Kelly who isn't quite sure what she wants. It all leads up to some funny circumstances when the three come face to face with each other.


When Gus Bazooka built his gym he never imagined that his sons, Angus and Judah, would someday battle for control. However, after Gus' untimely death (caused by watching a topless racquetball game) the future of the business becomes uncertain and the brothers make a wager to see who will take sole ownership of the gym.


When a deadly airborne virus threatens to wipe out the northeastern United States, teacher Elliott Moore (Mark Wahlberg) and his wife (Zooey Deschanel) flee from contaminated cities into the countryside in a fight to discover the truth. Is it terrorism, the accidental release of some toxic military bio weapon -- or something even more sinister? John Leguizamo and Betty Buckley co-star in this thriller from writer-director M. Night Shyamalan.


A young woman walking home alone gets attacked by two vicious muggers in a New York City back alley. A lone cop arrives on the scene, but turns out to be anything but your average police officer.


Two FBI Agents suspect a civilian defense contractor of espionage. A suspected employee, who unwittingly involves his wife, is caught up in an unpredictable series of events and pitfalls. One employee is Blackmailed, there are black-market buyers, and covert agents who follow the money trail and pursue the suspected traitors. Borderline semi-pro thing.

A marksman living in exile is coaxed back into action after learning of a plot to kill the president. Ultimately double-crossed and framed for the attempt, he goes on the run to track the real killer and find out who exactly set him up, and why??


He performs a service... for a price. He'll make anyone you want vanish.


A man seeks revenge for the drive-by shooting of his wife


Methodic tells the story of a boy who becomes demonically possessed by an ominous presence known as "The Dollman". Forced to obey his dark half, the boy ultimately murders his parents on his birthday and is sentenced to a life under a microscope at the state mental hospital. But evil cannot be contained so easily.


A young woman returns home to find an intruder in her apartment.


A successful businessman must make a moral decision that goes against a sound business ploy, while another employee comes to the aid of her coworker.


Michael Paré stars as Eddie Wilson of the rock band Eddie and Cruisers. The band is at the height of their career in the 1960s when front man Eddie drives his car off a bridge in an apparent suicide -- but the body was never found.


Jack Terry is a master sound recordist who works on grade-B horror movies. Late one evening, he is recording sounds for use in his movies when he hears something unexpected through his sound equipment and records it. Curiosity gets the better of him when the media become involved, and he begins to unravel the pieces of a nefarious conspiracy. As he struggles to survive against his shadowy enemies and expose the truth, he does not know whom he can trust.


The format for The Gene London Show changed over the years. At first, London worked for a general store that was located next to a confetti factory. His boss was the stingy Mr. Dibley, a.k.a. "Old Dibble-Puss" (who paid London 3½ cents per week). London's character used his imagination to try to escape his humdrum existence. A golden fleece he discovered provided him with a ready source of magic. London had a crush on his employer's daughter, Debbie Dibley. Alas, Debbie moved to Hollywood, returning him to his lonely, but imaginative situation. Later the program shifted to the haunted Quigley mansion located next door, accessible via a secret tunnel (the mansion's exterior establishing shot was just a model) with stories and plots centering on ghosts, UFOs and aliens.

A twisted suspense thriller about a manipulative teenage girl who convinces her widower/alcoholic/over protective father that the boy she asked out on a date beat and raped her, when in fact he turned down her advances. But no amount of facts can persuade this enraged father. No one hurts Daddy's Girl.


Since first donning a tattered fedora and a glove of eviscerating blades in 1984, Robert Englund has become one our generation's most beloved horror icons. Englund has risen to stand shoulder to shoulder in the pantheon of movie legends alongside such greats as Boris Karloff and Christopher Lee. His portrayal of Freddy Krueger is without doubt a moment as visceral to the horror genre as Chaney's werewolf or Karloff's ground-breaking realisation of Frankenstein's monster. Yet few realise the depths of England's true power as a character actor away from the latex mask and iconic red and green jumper. A classically trained actor and talented director, Englund has starred in many well-received movies in the years since Freddy's cinematic birth as well as directing his own feature film.

For years there has been a battle waging against the hunters and the Vampires. And now the final epic war will end it all.

A gritty, dark action thriller about a family that initially becomes the target of an attack by a group of masked madmen
