Roberto Suárez

A porn director, a fugitive, a priest. The life of Victor X.


A small town, two families joined together over time. A man who does not forget the values ​​of honor and fraternal friendship. From the director of The Journey to the Sea, history proposes the coalition of two worlds or, perhaps, the same but with different ways of understanding it.


A tale of children's horror for adults. A story that intermingles fantasy and reality. The eyes of a child who perceive what adults are not able to see.


After being a victim of rape within their own home, Diana chooses to keep the trauma secret. Mario, her husband, also has something to hide. The silence takes the couple's account over the day turns gradually into a peculiar form of violence.


One needn’t be a cynic to recognize that a politician’s persona is very much a designed thing, the product of various minds—and various agendas. Martín Marchand, the titular character, radiates charisma, intelligence and commitment—attributes that seem set to win Marchand his country’s highest office. But as his team of advisers and creatives assemble at his country home to devise campaign strategies, it appears that not everyone present agrees that a Marchand presidency is a foregone conclusion.


Anina Yatay Salas is a ten-year-old whose name spells trouble: those three palindromes in a row are an ongoing source of teasing at school. When a playground fight results in mysterious punishment, Anina will learn to put her problems in perspective and empathize with others in this sweet little daydream of a tale.


A divorced taxi driver shows up with a black eye at the home of his ex-wife’s new family; he’s been invited to dinner and he desperately wants to reconnect with his young daughter. A professional magician’s car breaks down and he ends up spending an emotionally intense night with a young, widowed toll booth worker. A singer-songwriter serving a lengthy prison sentence is released for one night to perform at a local community centre. These three deeply engaging stories about yearning for connection unfold in parallel, one New Year’s Eve in a small town in central Uruguay, balancing the universality of human suffering with a powerful sense of hope.


Jacob Kaplan lives an ordinary life in Uruguay. Like many of his other Jewish friends, Jacob fled Europe for South America because of World War II. But now turning 76, he is grumpy and in need of adventure. An unexpected opportunity to achieve greatness comes in the form of a quiet, elderly German, who Mr Kaplan believes to be a runaway Nazi. Determined to capture this Nazi, as Eichmann was captured before him, Mr Kaplan surprises everyone when he takes up this challenge.


After being fired from his job, Norberto tries his luck as a real estate agent, but he doesn't tell his wife right away. His new boss advises him to take an assertiveness course to overcome his shyness, and Norberto starts taking classes in an acting workshop for beginners. While he works toward the quarterly festival, Norberto fails to get his wife and clients to believe anything he says, but he finds out he is very good at lying to himself.


A box with no addressee or sender arrives at an office awakening the desire of the employees to get hold of it.

Two old crime partners meet again. One of them just got out of jail and is looking for a new gig, while the other one now has a legitimate business. They go to catch up at a bar while Peñarol plays the final of the 1987 Copa Libertadores de América.

Four stories of normal Montevideans like you and me, but with one thing in common: bad luck. One figure, the master of the ceremony, ties stories together commenting on the failures of those four people, as he tries to make his fortune on a slot-machine.

Montevideo, Saturday, 7 in the morning. El Leche, Javi, and Seba have not gone to sleep yet. Tired and bored, they sit in the usual wall fence to have a beer. On a lazy summer Saturday the three boys each with their own worries—studies, work, and, of course, love.


The future has arrived. Below, in the tunnels, inhabit the "underground": a tribe that survives on the fringes. Above, amidst decay and smog, a corrupt society is ravaged by a religious cult that kidnaps and murders beautiful teenage models. Detective Gutiérrez, tormented in dreams by the image of a young woman whom he has never met, is hired by a wealthy family to find a missing model. Tangled between these two worlds, Gutiérrez will have to push himself to his breaking point to solve the enigma.

Carmen Vidal is a private detective addicted to pizza, beer and marijuana who fights against a criminal Senator to avenge the death of her colleague, in a modern film noir about self-improvement.