Roberto Vallejos

50-year-old Dalmiro has a peaceful and routine life. But the unexpected death of his brother forces him to take care of his sister-in-law and his nephews. Her sister-in-law asks Dalmiro to take his niece to Disney, since his brother had planned to go with her before he died. His sister-in-law posed it as a transaction, since Dalmiro had a significant money debt with his brother. Responsibility and mandate will be for Dalmiro a portal to new opportunities.


An ex-cop entered a prison as convicted under a false identity in order to infiltrate within a group of prisoners that has just kidnapped the teenage daughter of an important national judge.


The stories of Zara, Verónica and Mora intersect and intertwine through memories, places, and people in common. Love is not always the livelihood of a couple, even when all are built in their name.


Different stories that mark the life of the Patagonia region, an almost universal place, in the decades of '30 and '40. The society of that time, the interrelation of the culture of the Native American peoples with that of the Welsh, Italian, Spanish and Lebanese immigrants, will give life to facts and circumstances that speak of those times. The talk between a bartender of the time (Horacio Fontova) and a traveler (Oscar Alegre) stuck by the strong wind, begins the journey on stories of love, jealousy, families, bandits, robberies and soldiers of a region that began to be forged .


Somewhere in the interior of Argentina, popular belief holds that when a man dies because of a treason, he must be avenged by his first born son, so that that soul may rest in peace.


The film tells the life of Tito Pereyra since his childhood in a town of Tucuman (with an absent father) until the 1980 s in Buenos Aires, when democracy was restored. During that period he makes decisions that will change his life forever.It shows a human being with both bright and dark aspects, whose contrasts seem to determine his destiny.


Mujeres Asesinas is an Argentine drama and suspense thriller TV series, based on trilogy of books of the same name by Marisa Grinstein, produced by Pol-ka Producciones and broadcast since 19 January 2005 on the Argentine TV channel Canal 13. Canal 13 broadcast since January 4 of 2010 the replays those rated as "Best Episodes" at 23:00.


During the state terrorism in Argentina, a paramilitary group kidnapped the wife of a man named Alcides and two years later, entered into communication with him to make a deal.


After the May Revolution, Juan José Castelli has instructions to order the execution of ex-viceroy Santiago de Liniers. That put you at a crossroads with respect to your convictions.

Two Argentine sisters, Memé and Aneta, lose their mother in a car crash. Memé, the elder, is also left lame with one badly scarred leg. The orphaned girls go to Uruguay to stay with their aunts. The sisters often bicker, but they are actually very close. Memé flirts but has no luck with boys because of her injury... On their own now, Memé works as a waitress where she gets to know Andy. Returning to Montevideo, they meet Dolores, a friend of their late mother. Memé's affair with a man complicates her relationship with her sister. Then Andy invites the pair to his seaside retreat, a lighthouse.


Mujeres de nadie (Nobody's Women) is an Argentine telenovela produced by Pol-ka and broadcast by El Trece from May 10, 2007, to November 17, 2008
