Robina Suwol

A movie director (Richard Brestoff) and his wanna-be actor/eccentric inventor nephew (Bill Campbell) are filming a low-budget sci-fi movie. Things get interesting when the nephews' bizarro invention starts bringing visitors from other times, including Napoleon, Archimedes, and people from the future and cavemen from the past. Just when they are filming what they are convinced will be one of the greatest movies ever, the same machine sends an alien visitor (voiced by Charlton Heston) to their set. Also includes a last-minute cameo from James Coburn, as the infuriated head of the studio. Last film for director Richard Fleischer.


Lilah Krytsick is a mother and housewife who's always believed she could be a stand-up comedian. Steven Gold is an experienced stand-up seemingly on the cusp of success. When the two meet, they form an unlikely friendship, and Steven tries to help the untried Lilah develop her stage act. Despite the objections of her family and some very wobbly beginnings, Lilah improves, and soon she finds herself competing with Steven for a coveted television spot.


A beautiful woman married to a successful lawyer and the perfect suburban mother turns out to be a closeted bulimic.


A sensitive but confused teenager feels pressure from all directions and turns to drugs, which causes problems for him in school and at home.
