Rocky Ciarrocchi

7 People, 7 Hours, 7 Deadly Boxes. Past events have brought them together and they must now figure out why in order to survive.

The documentary chronicles the 2019 Masuk High School football team journey to the annual homecoming game.


Rocky Ciarrocchi hosts The Grue Rume and chats with people in the entertainment world.

When a group of young teens spend time at a haunted house, they accidentally spawn a demonic soul which comes back from the dead as a non human entity in an attempt to kill them.

The documentary chronicles the Masuk High School wrestling team.

Between personal obligations and training for his next big fight against an opponent with ties to his family's past, Adonis Creed is up against the challenge of his life.


The former World Heavyweight Champion Rocky Balboa serves as a trainer and mentor to Adonis Johnson, the son of his late friend and former rival Apollo Creed.


A mysterious glowing monster is savagely attacking citizens of a small town on the eve of a huge televised metal concert. But what connection does this creature have to the old nuclear plant? And the band, Irradiated Satan? And the local crime boss? And... the Mayor? HOW HIGH DOES THIS THING GO???? A low-level crook and his hot, recreational drug enthusiast hippie chick friend aim to find out! With the help of the drunken town Sheriff and an eccentric Native American Shaman, they'll encounter Satanic priests, Voodoo hoodoo, scheming incestuous step-siblings, and a radioactive menace as they seek to uncover the truth, and save the very fabric of society as we know it in the process!


A hot young college girl takes a gig dogsitting for the mysterious SILAS KILLINGTON. But hours have gone by, and she hasn't seen the dog. And the news of an escaped serial killer has her on edge. She calls some friends over, but their Ouija board session causes a blackout. Or does it? And why is some freak outside the window singing "I'm in the Mood for Love"? WHAT'S GOING ON HERE???


Awkward highschooler Martin Fell is the butt of much abuse and assholery at Wyndham High. When the cool kids use him to steal a keg of beer from his dad's store for their big party, Martin doesn't suspect a thing. When he's mocked and humiliated at the party, he decides to take the keg back in spite, but a bolt of lightning ends the life of Martin Fell, doormat, and begins the life of MARTIN FELL, horror ICON! He becomes one with the beer, allowing him to shapeshift and do all sorts of nasty things to his tormentors. Will he succeed in his quest for vengeance? Who is Agatha Shroud, and what does SHE have to do with Martin's condition? And is Dr. Sniffles, the telepathic dog, friend or foe? And what's Silas Killington up to this time? And can DAISY DERKINS sort through all this and save the day?