Rodney Ascher

Victor Fleming’s 1939 film The Wizard of Oz is one of David Lynch’s most enduring obsessions. This new documentary goes over the rainbow to explore this Technicolor through-line in Lynch’s work.


When buying a marital aid at an adult emporium, Tom Smith unexpectedly discovers legendary exploitation filmmaker Doris Wishman working behind the counter and their unexpected adventure begins. This short film and amazing tale Rodney Ascher (ROOM 237) about a late-career creative effort by Doris Wishman has never been published until now. Included as bonus material is the final music video referenced in the title, finally edited some 20 years after it was shot.

A wilfully offensive band, The Mentors gained infamy for performing in black executioner hoods and spewing cartoonishly racist, homophobic and misogynistic lyrics in the 1980s and ‘90s—but was their use of shock meant to propagate hate or confront it?


The savage and tender extremes of Swans told with unprecedented access to archive material and interviews spanning the past 35 years.


A musician’s money grab Halloween composition unleashes the haunting sound of his own mother’s death.


Jimmy Morris has a special surprise guest on his podcast, The Film Dick. It's Chester Holloway who reveals all the secrets behind the mysterious 1939 film, 'Sex Madness.'


Primal Screen is a documentary about a person's childhood fear of ventriloquist dummies and dolls due to the uncanny valley.


Filmmakers Nicholas McCarthy and Rodney Ascher on Blood Feast.

Eight people experience sleep paralysis, a condition which leaves them unable to move, speak or react.


'Terror of Frankenstein' is an exercise in extreme meta-fictional tragicomedy. Presented as the commentary track of a rushed reissue of a forgotten (but 100% genuine) Frankenstein film's DVD (because of unspecified 'recent events'), this project transforms the film into an entirely new, very human horror story. Featuring Clu Gulager as the director of the 1977 original who is happily exploiting the unmentioned tragedy linked to the film, the recording session unravels a mystery as he clashes with the screenwriter (Zack Brown) and, ultimately, its star (Leon Vitali from Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut and Barry Lyndon, playing himself.) 'Terror of Frankenstein' is Mystery Science Theater 3000 by way of Sartre, an icy satire of the monsters onscreen, behind the camera, and in the audience.


Taking all that was great from the first instalment, the movie aims to be a wilder, leaner, faster-paced and even more entertaining anthology this time around, with a new crop of award-winning, visionary filmmakers from around the globe.


A segment from the abandoned documentary film "The Collectors." Shot in 1999 and edited in 2013–2014. The short documentary centers on Pea Hicks, a collector of an obscure electronic instrument called the Optigan.

A subjective documentary that explores various theories about hidden meanings in Stanley Kubrick's classic film The Shining. Five very different points of view are illuminated through voice over, film clips, animation and dramatic reenactments.


THE S FROM HELL is a short documentary-cum-horror film about the scariest corporate symbol in history - The 1964 Screen Gems logo, aka ‘The S From Hell.’ Built around interviews with survivors still traumatized from their childhood exposure to the logo after shows like Bewitched or The Monkees, the film brings their stories to life with animation, found footage, and dramatic reenactments.


A young woman meets the ultimate terror, a supernatural reality-bending maniac with a very large collection of out of print VHS tapes.


Appropriated from one of fundamentalist comic book artist Jack Chick’s short “Chick tracts” designed to illustrate Christian doctrine, a young boy in the city is led astray by an older friend who disparages a sidewalk sermonizer.

A perfect little nightmare, WHEEL OF TORMENT takes several dizzying turns around Hieronymus Bosch’s epic pageants of violence set to Buckethead's spastic music.

Alfred is a (very) short film about the mysteries of other people's inner lives, the isolation of the individual within a group, good stiff drinks and traffic safety.