Rodolfo de Anda

They claim to be taken to maximum security prisons, but when government power and corruption intervene there is no impossible escape, such is the case of this story that everyone witnessed and that we now present.

Two of Mexico's to stars, Roberto Ballesteros and Rodolfo De Anda deliver searing performances in this action-packed tale of a man who seeks to avenge his fathers death now that the murderer is freed from prison, and the Police Commander, who tries to preserve the peace.

The Albarrán brothers rise up the ranks of a criminal organization while a Federal Police commander hunts them down.

A rich young lady runs away from home for her love for gambler, but fate leads her to another man.

A retired man that used to work for the National Electricity Company fight with his sons who want to get his money.


A man is killed and his friend is charged for the crime but he isn't guilty, he must now find the real murderer.


Propped up on his deathbed, a 17th century Spanish missionary named Father Kino (Enrique Rocha) looks back on his remarkable life and relives one of his greatest challenges: bringing the teachings of Christianity to California's native population while convincing the Spanish military to respect the Indians' traditions.


Spain held vast territories in its Mexican colony, areas which are now part of the American soutwest. For a long time, huge portions of these territories went unexplored. In this historical drama set in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Padre Kino (1645-1711), a Jesuit missionary, defies his superiors and explores the northern reaches of Baja California. In his journeys, he discovers (to everyone's surprise) that it is a penninsula connected to the rest of California. Padre Kino (Francisco Eusebio Kino) established many towns and villages along the way, and is an important figure in Mexico's colonial history.


A gold digger (Olivia Collins) kills her rich old husband and then is driven to the brink of madness when her late hubby starts haunting her. Is he really dead or a vengeful ghost?


Several fantastic stories occur in the Mexican "Zone of Silence." It begins in the 1920s when a man steals a train and then flees to enter the present. Another man finds a colonizer guarded by a ghost treasure, two girls are attacked by an evil car and finally a man steals money, then he flees to enter the past.


A family of three moves to a haunted house. The couple's 10-year-old son runs into the ghost of the house but isn't scared. He tells the ghost that since his father is a writer of horror novels he lost fear of horror stories. The ghost then confides in the boy that he is a lonely ghost on account of the modern world focused on so many material priorities. Child and ghost become best friends, playing together, telling stories and helping the ghost pay his rent by scaring people every month.


Based on the book by the same name, the film follows the exploits of Arturo "El Negro" Durazo, who was the head of the police department in Mexico City, we witness his crimes and his eccentric life, that will inevitably lead to his fall.


The legend of "Peter The Knife" continues in this popular sequel to one of Mexico's all-time blockbusters. Following in his infamous father's footsteps, Peter, Jr. manages to get more than his fair share of the love of beautiful women...and the hatred of his enemies. Action and drama from New York to Acapulco.


It’s the Feds vs. the Cartel as both sides of the law race through the desert to snag a hidden dope stash in New Drug City.


A Mexican scientific team and an Arab expedition clash over a powerful piece of metal hidden in the jungle. Oh yeah, and there's also aliens, a psychic, a sorcerer and a hostile tribe who do the occasional human sacrifice.


Unhappy about his daughter's choice of boyfriends, a wealthy big-wheel arranges to have the young man arrested for cocaine trafficking and continues pulling strings after his arrested, tried and incarcerated.


While on a vacation in Central America, some American teenagers are kidnapped by terrorists. A rescue mission is sent after them, but they manage to escape and join up with a mercenary fighting the terrorists.


Young woman's character flaws and aristocratic pretensions become an obstacle when she falls in love and decides to marry. Numerous lives are ruined.

A well-known playboy (Andrés García), and his gay assistant (Roberto 'Flaco' Guzmán), are victims of a plane accident when their private jet crashes. In the accident, the millionaire suffers the mutilation of his penis, forcing him to travel to the United States and invest his fortune in a technological reconstruction of his male organ, thus becoming the first Bionic Male of Mexico.


Champion racehorse is kidnapped, ends up on a ranch in Durango, running dirt-road races at the county fair.


A group of veteran boxers find a young potential champion to train.


A diver is hired to find a box of stolen diamonds that were lost during an air accident, having to deal with criminals and a killer shark in the process.


Young man becomes a professional gambler to track down the cardshark that killed his father in a poker game.

Boy adopts an orphaned mountain lion and they grow up together. Fifteen years later, local farmers decid theey don't like having that critter around their livestock, and things go south real fast.

Mexico, 1978


Horseback drama set in Mexico just before the Revolution.


Mexican feature film


Crime-y land-owner declares war on the family at the ranch next door for not having joined with him in his illegal enterprises.


Also known as Santo vs. the She-Wolves


Roving gunslinger visits his estranged wife at her father's farm.


The De La Vega's are a wealthy and prestigious family known throughout the territory. When Diego, the youngest son of Don Alejandro de La Vega, returns from his 4 year stay in Spain, he finds him hometown oppressed by the corrupt military forces. The farmers are being run out of their homes and their land is being used as military camps and/or sold off to pay for military supplies and wages, along with taking the poor villagers and using them as slaves. So Diego/Zorro has multiple face offs with the local military and swears to restore order and freedom to the oppressed.


An east-coast financier is touring the far west via stagecoach; in Nogales AZ, his son is kidnapped and three rival groups of black hats try to profit from the situation.


Mexican feature film


Decadent, failing Mexico City family get life-lessons from rural visitors.


Mexican feature film


Man is manipulated into thinking his wife is unfaithful and abandons her, taking one of their two sons with him. Twenty years later...


After being accused of murder when his business partner falls to his death, an architect flees from city authorities while trying to clear his name.


Controlling father stifles adult son's career plans, interferes with his love life...

Cowboy-justice dude has to figure out who the masterminds are behind a string of murders.

A greedy land developer steals the land from an Apache Indian tribe. His plan involves shooting most of the Apaches but an Apache warrior survives and gets revenge.


Romantic conflicts set against a Mexican Revolution backdrop.


Anthology movie -- three anecdotes relating to liberated, post-sixties, sexual behavior. Swinging couples, hippie-style free-love, etc...


Two Air force pilots are best friends in that competitive, always picking fights with each other way.


A sharecropper and his daughter, a swarthy beauty, flee from the hacienda on which they live and join the Mexican Revolution.


Adulterous love triangle ends in tragedy.


Traveling salesman's amoral/sometimes criminal behavior catches up with him after he settles in at his brother's vinyard.

A woman hires four gunmen, Trinidad, Doc, Satan and The Renegade to rob a bank, but things don't work out as planned.


Two young adults, brother and sister, discover that both were adopted, and they start to develop grown-up feelings toward each other. Is this the worst, most perverse thing to ever happen? Opinions differ.


In his home-town, he's a respectable rancher... but out on the range he's a hitman for hire. His son finds out about his double life, and...

Series western, sequel to Manuel Saldivar el Texano.

Two cabdrivers accidentally get caught up in criminal/gang activity.


Villistas, army officers, heirs and heiresses all gather at the home of a recently deceased hacendado. Everybody has an agenda, everybody butts heads in comical ways. Or not so much.

After his family is murdered by bandits, a young man enlists a wandering cowboy to teach him to gunsling.


Escalating tensions within a frontier town besieged by outlaws.

Three parallel romances among young people working in a steel mill.


A new recruit rises through the ranks of Pancho Villa's army as his leadership skills become apparent.


Two women from different social spheres but with similar interests decide to spend a weekend in the country. The unexpected arrival or a vagrant turns the peaceful vacation into a nightmare of horror and human passion.


Newlyweds find married life to be challenging.


Teen-romance comedy with unrelated dramatic subplots.


Western with romance subplot.

The bodies of murdered young women are turning up on a beach.


Western sheriff's black-sheep son becomes responsible for keeping order in town while his father is recovering from a gunshot.

Cowboy drifter goes home for a visit, gets into trouble messing around with another man's woman.


Three outlaws get arrested, and the fourth tries several times to break them out of jail. Also, there are can-can girls.

Sequel to El Zurdo: ten years later, El Zurdo returns to his home town. The little boy whose father he killed in part one has grown up, and still wants revenge... but doesn't recognize him. Meanwhile, his ex-girlfriend, now a widow, needs help protecting her property and her person from the predatory owner of a neighboring ranch.


Professional gambler is made responsible for the upbringing of an orphan whose father he killed.


Wandering-cowboy-hero, 1960s style, tries to borrow some prestige from classic 1940s ranchera movies & music.


A young man is executed for a murder he didn't commit. His brother shows up to clear his name and see that proper justice is done.

B-movie western, sequel to El solitario.


Sixteenth century swordsmen adventure.


Mama has four daughters in their late teens. some of them might be more interested in careers than husbands, but she's hoping she'll find a highly suitable young man for each of them. If there are any out there that meet her standards.


A rare and impossible to find Mexican adventure / fantasy / horror.

The bad guy's trying to push through a land-speculation deal and force his sister to marry someone against her wishes. The good guy interferes.


Cowboy-hero B-western with comical overtones. First of two in series.

Semi-comic series western about two brothers what is good-guys. From the series "Los Hermanos Barragan."

Itinerant gunslinger poses as local gal's fiance to protect her from an itinerant blackhat.

A vampire is on the loose in an old west town.


Jungle adventure about the search for a lost treasure.

Masked hero on horseback,. number 1 of short-lived series.


Stage-struck small town girl is invited to join a vaudeville troupe.

Western, first of two in series. Sequel: Alias El Alacran.

Troubled young man meets his father for the first time.


Four bad eggs from the traveling carney are setting up local men for a blackmail scam, and it's up to western-series hero El Hijo Del Charro Negro! to make things right.

Hired gunman tries and fails to kill The Sheriff. Then the gunman's kid brother coms to town, thinking The Sheriff is to blame for the gunman's death.


The son of a famous vigilante returns to his home town... but he's all citified and pantywaisted. Or is he?

Comical mix-up in the operating room: by mistake, a notorious gangster's arm is grafted onto an accident-victim's stump.


An unseen person enters a taxi late at night. Suddenly the taxi driver is stabbed with a large metal knitting needle. From there we meet our female killer. Catalina is a very plain Jane looking young lady. She wears some geeky glasses and usually dresses very conservatively. She lives with her grandmother and they both seem to loathe men. Catalina’s grandmother mentions that her late daughter/Catalina’s mother was troubled by men and that cost her her life. Catalina and her mother resemble each other. At night, Catalina awakens by the vengeful spirit of her mother to advise her to go out and kill men. The kind that only want to take advantage.