Rodolfo Sciammarella

Backstage musical: showbiz couple fusses and breaks up, then resolve their problems just before the end.


A criminal arrives at a town and involuntarily frees its inhabitants from the oppression of which they were victims.

Obsessed by a Mexican singer, an Argentine doctor arrives in Paris; Far from his land he begins to find his true identity transforming into a singer of tangos.


A young man pretends to be his friends' aunt to solve certain problems.

Love affairs in a theater: vedettes, sweethearts of chorus and scandals that include a millionaire.

By trying to maintain her millionaire appearance, a young woman goes through a series of entanglements and finds a love that is also millionaire.


A singer married to a gambler is accused of murder.


A woman fakes her pregnancy to keep her husband and then it turns out to be true.


Catita intercedes when a producer courts a chorus girl who is director's girlfriend.


In order to seduce a humble man, a rich girl pretends to be a maid.


A shy man invents in front of his friends a love affair with a singer but circumstances will lead him to conquer her.


The needy Pedro Céspedes finds a coat that implies for those who wear it a mysterious prodigality of money and jewelry.


A man and his family get rich thanks to mysterious promissory notes.


A village healer accuses a plastic surgeon who comes to the mountains to rest of being diabolical.

Ceferino is the train station chief o a remote town. A group of planters ask him to legit them the wagons to send the harvest to Buenos Aires, he agrees, but he gets fired.


A drunken and lazy gaucho is helped by another, pious and just.

In a pension, a good-hearted student falls in love with a young woman seduced by a Don Juan.

The romantic misadventures of a young woman.
