Roger Moore

In New York City, an insolent pickpocket, Skip McCoy, inadvertently sets off a chain of events when he targets ex-prostitute Candy and steals her wallet. Unaware that she has been making deliveries of highly classified information to the communists, Candy, who has been trailed by FBI agents for months in hopes of nabbing the spy ringleader, is sent by her ex-boyfriend, Joey, to find Skip and retrieve the valuable microfilm he now holds.


Told in flashback form, the film traces the rise and fall of a tough, ambitious Hollywood producer, Jonathan Shields, as seen through the eyes of various acquaintances, including a writer, James Lee Bartlow; a star, Georgia Lorrison; and a director, Fred Amiel. He is a hard-driving, ambitious man who ruthlessly uses everyone on the way to becoming one of Hollywood's top movie makers.


A Montana lawyer (Glenn Ford) gets distracted after moving to California with his wife (Ruth Roman) and children.


A detective tries to prevent the assassination of President-elect Abraham Lincoln during a train ride in 1861.


Eric Wainwright (Van Johnson), a busy impresario, is besieged by hordes of wannabe concert stars, eager for their big break. One of them is Cynthia Potter (June Allyson), a talented pianist... but she can't get in to see him. When she learns that Wainwright is auditioning young musicians for a children's concert tour, Cynthia dons braces and bobby sox and passes herself off as a child prodigy.


Proud father Stanley Banks remembers the day his daughter, Kay, got married. Starting when she announces her engagement through to the wedding itself, we learn of all the surprises and disasters along the way.


The wife of a psychoanalyst falls prey to a devious quack hypnotist when he discovers she is an habitual shoplifter. Then one of his previous patients now being treated by the real doctor is found murdered, with her still at the scene, and suspicion points only one way.


In order to gain passage to the West, a woman poses as an opera singer, and causes a feud between two cousins.


In this MGM Crime Does Not Pay series short, a young man graduates from the police academy at the top of his class. He then teams up with some local thieves and uses his knowledge of police procedures to pursue a career of undetected crime.


Small-town soda-jerk Peggy Evans quits her dead-end job and moves to New York where she invents a new identity.


This John Nesbitt's Passing Parade series short highlights the film preservation efforts of the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Several scenes from early newsreels are shown.


This John Nesbitt's Passing Parade short looks at how a few specific inventions made a major contribution to the U.S. war effort.


Conniving Broadway starlet Mida King has plenty of enemies, so when she's found murdered at Grand Central Station, Inspector Gunther calls together a slew of suspects for questioning. Mida's shady ex-flame, Turk, seems the most likely culprit, but when smart-mouthed private eye Rocky Custer -- also a suspect himself -- begins to piece together the crime, a few clues that Gunther has overlooked come to light.


A young newlywed (Robert Sterling) finds working for his nasty father-in-law difficult.


Chicago is gripped by an Axe Murderer. The streets are empty at night as there has been six murders and six people have been caught, but they are lunatics. Only one person has lived to tell about it, Edwina, who is as dumb as a brick. If it were not for Oliver, she would be number seven. When there is a second attempt on Edwina, Oliver figures that the crimes are not random and that someone is hypnotizing these people to do his bidding, but the police and Edwina are skeptical.


Sailors and spies mingle in between the acts at Hattie's nightclub in the Canal Zone.


The Our Gang kids worry that Darla's new stepmother will be an evil stepmother like of fairy tale fame.


Edna marries Texan Sam Gladney, operator of a wheat mill. They have a son, who is killed when very young. Edna discovers by chance how the law treats children who are without parents and decides to do something about it. She opens a home for foundlings and orphans and begins to place children in good homes, despite the opposition of "conservative" citizens, who would condemn illegitimate children for being born out of wedlock. Eventually Edna leads a fight in the Texas legislature to remove the stigma of illegitimacy from birth records in that state, while continuing to be an advocate for homeless children.


Andy wants to buy a new car so he goes into the judge's home office where his father is about to write a $200 check to charity. He asks his dad for the $200 and they go used car shopping.


The Shadow battles a villain known as The Black Tiger, who has the power to make himself invisible and is trying to take over the world with his death ray.


A maker of illusions for magicians protects an ingenue likely to be murdered.


A dedicated police officer is torn between family and duty when his son turns to a life of crime.


A tugboat captain (Wallace Beery) serves under his rival (Chester Morris) as a U-boat chaser in World War I.


Detective Nick Carter is brought in to foil spies at the Radex Airplane Factory, where a new fighter plane is under manufacture.


David and Lynn are a happily married couple. When David gets his dream job in another state, Lynn, a high-powered executive, doesn't want to leave NYC and her job


Carey Wilson narrates this MGM Miniature short in which an average office worker suffers all week-end because his boss, who had a bad case of indigestion, didn't speak to him when he came to work on Friday and is convinced he is going to get fired.


A bohemian free spirit helps meek Waldo win back his fiancée and falls in love with her over-controlling sister in the process.


In this MGM Crime Does Not Pay series short, police go after a fraud operation that stages automobile accidents to collect insurance money.


Joe, who owns a gas station along with his brothers and is about to marry Katherine, travels to the small town where she lives to visit her, but is wrongly mistaken for a wanted kidnapper and arrested.


Nick and Nora Charles investigate when Nora's cousin reports her disreputable husband is missing, and find themselves in a mystery involving the shady owners of a popular nightclub, a singer and her dark brother, the cousin's forsaken true love, and Nora's bombastic and controlling aunt.


A law student poses as a fight promoter to catch a notorious gangster.


A wealthy playboy winds up getting himself involved with mobsters and a search for buried treasure.


A traitor is lurking somewhere aboard the USS Carolina, and Lt. Tom Randolph is determined to find the offender. First a revolutionary new piece of technology -- an electric firing device -- is sabotaged. Then one of the cruiser's crew is murdered. In order to catch the killer, the captain locks down the ship. With foreign dignitaries, corporate goons and even Tom's girlfriend, Betty, trapped on the vessel, there is no shortage of suspects.


Dumped by his girlfriend, Buster drives west and winds up in a ghost town called Vulture City, where he appoints himself sheriff.


All 12 jury members who sent an innocent man to the gallows are gathered together for a demonstration of how convictions can be made on circumstantial evidence. During the proceedings, a phony murder is quickly revealed as the real thing.


Moran and Mack decide to attend the races and end up winning a large sum on a horse named Mud Lark. They decide that to make even more money, they need a horse of their own. They buy a horse with a broken leg from a crooked gambler, but manage to con the gambler into buying back his own horse.

Harold Hobbs doesn't much like that his lazy, sponging and unemployed brother-in-law Claude and his mother-in-law live with him and his wife, Hortense, especially as the in-laws seem to rule the roost ever since they moved in. To get his in-laws out of the house, Harold has regularly left a bottle of booze for Claude to be able to entertain prospective employers. When Harold learns that on all the other occasions the employers have not showed (he assumes there probably were no prospective employers) leaving Claude to consume the booze on his own, he decides to show Claude a lesson by spiking the bottle with castor oil. Complications ensue when Joe, Harold's friend, encourages him to skip work to attend the prize fight. What Joe doesn't tell Harold is that he tells his boss that Harold needs the day off to attend to the sudden death of his brother-in-law.


It's 1890. Inventor Ed Martin has long believed and has openly stated that man will someday be able to fly. As such, many people, including the mayor, believe Ed is crazy and want to have him committed. Ed plans to prove them wrong about his mental capacity by winning the upcoming horseless carriage race at the speedway using his 2-cylinder engine machine which he predicts can travel 15mph, twice the speed of other machines. But for Ed to be able to do so, he has to elude the mayor and his gang and get to the speedway in time for the race. And there still is the small matter of whether his prediction will come true, all his other predictions which have not come to fruition... yet.


Karl Dane & George K. Arthur trading places while dining.

Bill is a hot shot dancer who partners with Jazzbo, until he sees Molly at the dance. He enters the Waltz with Molly and wins first prize - and they wind up being married that same night. Now they are free of their parents nagging and their own bosses. 24 hours - no dancing as in-laws are visiting. 24 days - the Apartment is finished so off to the Hoffman's Parisian Dance Palace. Molly can only dance the Waltz and not the hot new jazz dance so she leaves and Bill follows. They are both unhappy, Bill has two left feet when it comes to romance.


Wacky Frenchman Alphonse (Snub Pollard) competes in an American boxing match.

First Episode in the Sunny Jim 2-reel sound comedy series. A young couple have an argument on the way to a party. A Magician played by Charles King entertains but the tricks are duplicated/exposed by Sunny Jim.


The film begins with a family at home having a meal. The biggest laugh involved some candles being substituted for asparagus and the hilarity that resulted when the people and dog at them. Later, the decide to go to the rodeo but 1001 problems occur on the way there in the car.


A women's track team is preparing for a big meet against a rival college, but the coach is having trouble getting her team ready. Norma, the team's star, is more interested in slipping out to meet her boyfriend than she is with getting ready for the meet, so Norma and the coach engage in a clash of wills.


Mack Sennett comedy short subject spoofing filmmaking, with girls, lions, and limburger cheese.

Donald Drake, a deep sea gondolier ex soda jerk, arrives at the All Nation Cafe in Shanghai. The proprietor believes he's a penniless ne'er-do-well - which he is - but he unexpectedly comes into a small windfall. So the proprietor orders slightly rough around the edges Maud and Mollie, two of his American good time girls working their way around the world, to get him to spend all his money while there. As Donald ends up telling the two good time girls his life story - most specifically about the blonde he let slip through his fingers, she who was the love of his life - a few revelations and the errant coin he left at the roulette wheel betting table change his life.


Should Sleepwalkers Marry? is a 1927 comedy short

Harry and his friend have planned to go out for an afternoon of fun. But first, Harry must figure out how to slip away from his domineering wife with some money to spend...


Two circus hands create chaos.


The Soapsuds Lady is a 1925 silent comedy.

Trimmed in Gold is a silent comedy short.

"Spanking Breezes" is a short Mack Sennett comedy.


Third release in 'The Smith Family' series of 2-reel comedies. Omar the dog, usually the most sedate member of the Smith family, has a starring role in this episode, digging up the garden and stealing the landlord's hat.

The Perils of Petersboro is a 1926 silent comedy

Hot Cakes for Two is a silent film comedy

An eccentric inventor has thought of a way that automobiles can run on radio waves, without gasoline. His plans put him in conflict with the owner of an oil company, who is also pursuing the inventor's daughter. This rival begins to scheme against the inventor, and it is left up to the inventor's hired man to try to stop him.


Shanghaied on his wedding day, Harry struggles to cope with a cruel captain while fending off a sailor who seems attracted to him.


Flickering Youth is a 1924 silent Comedy.

In this Mack Sennett comedy, a mother and daughter fear foreclosure because their mortgage payment is due and they're unable to pay it. Meanwhile, the family's son Jack, who's in prison, unexpectedly finds himself free of captivity.


A bumbling bank custodian becomes an unlikely hero when he foils a robbery.


A series of sketches with a shoe clerk, his wife, and his extra-curricular activities. The shoe clerk steps out on his wife with one of his customers. Both his wife and the woman's husband catch them when they go to the beach and later watch a beauty and fashion contest. His wife enters it wearing a mask. Back at work on Monday, all has returned to normal, until the winner of the contest shows up for her prize - a complete wardrobe...
