Roger Moreno

A soldier will have a mission of rescuing his partner kidnapped in the Colombian jungle although he will miss a dating with a beautiful girl that is his partner's sister.


On a cold Bogotan morning, a young photographer anxiously waits for someone at his flat. Deafened by the traffic noise, he sits and smokes while intimate memories come back as he watches some old photos he had kept hidden for a while. Joyful and sad, carnal and usual memories that fluster him as time goes by. Meanwhile, a telephone rings insistently, which he picks but gets no answer, making him even more nervous. Then, the door opens.

Simon is a little boy that has to deal with his babysitter, Sonia, a total nuisance. But that same night Simon will receive and unexpected visitor, Timothy, the main character of Simon's favourite show, a visit he will never forget.


A 1969 classic Dolphy film.