Rolf Eden

Dragan Wende has lived in Berlin since the '70s and has seen the city change through the years. His nephew comes to live with him as Dragan remembers the better days he lived as a Yugoslavian immigrant in a divided city.


Rolf Eden is Germany’s last playboy. As ‘king of disco’ he launched the first beauty contests popularising DJing and striptease in prudish West Germany. Father of seven children of seven different women, he has danced with the Rolling Stones and Ella Fitzgerald in his clubs. Rolf Eden is a larger than life octogenarian with long, blond hair… his girlfriend is younger than his grandchild. This unflinching conviction was essential for Eden when he, coming from a Jewish background, entered the German entertainment business of the 1950s. Leaving Israel via Paris, he returned to post war Germany to open a nightclub on West Berlin famous Boulevard Kudamm, decidedly blocking out the country’s recent dark history.


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Dave knows what it is to suffer. Especially when he takes the rap for a gang of motorbike thieves and ends up in jail. All for the love of Corinna, his beautiful girlfriend. Refused parole and nearly insane with frustration he makes a violent escape to be with her and strike back.


A comedy about three Bavarian guys who are traveling to Saint Tropez.


This feature was shot in the midst of some of Europe's most stunning scenery. The story focuses on the efforts of an espionage agent, played by Italian heartthrob Fabio Testi, to secure a uranium shipment that has been targeted by an enemy power.


In July 1976, an Air France flight from Tel-Aviv to Paris via Athens was hijacked and forced to land in Entebbe, Uganda. The Jewish passengers were separated and held hostage in demand to release many terrorists held in Israeli prisons. After much debate, the Israeli government sent an elite commando unit to raid the airfield and release the hostages.


Part documentary, part mockumentary, part sexploitation, all Franco. Starting in the Garden of Eden we are taken on a voyage around the world that covers various rites of passage and cultures deflowering of the virgin.


The plot involves the murder of a prostitute in a Paris brothel (run by early 60's sex symbol Anita Ekberg). It's blamed on a jealous client, but the lead detective ("Bogey") suspects otherwise. And when the murders continue after the suspect's ironic-if-he-were-actually-guilty demise, his suspicions are confirmed.


A couple of young men and women have lovemaking on their mind. They decide to try to make it at 25 spots within a week. Several motorcycles and mopeds are involved.


A beautiful blonde hooks up with a rock star, and after a night of sex and drugs, he leaves. She, though, has fallen madly in love with him, and sets out with her girlfriend across Europe to track him down. On the way, however, she gets mixed up with everyone from a gang of nasty bikers to a ring of devil worshipers.


Two former lovers start a new relationship.


Schoolgirl Josefine learns from an early age to use sex to gain advantages. The school's gym teacher is arrested and accused of indecent behavior but the court dismisses the case when Josefine uses her female charm on the jurors.


At the start of the 1967 Six-Day War (June 5-10) between Israel and the surrounding Arab nations, a team of eight Israeli commandos, with their female boat captain in tow, are sent on a suicide mission deep into the Sinai to destroy an important Arab radar station at Sharm El Sheikh to pave way for the main invading Israeli forces.


After the violent death of a prostitute, her father tries to find the people who are responsible for the fall of the young woman.


Helmut Schmidt is an ambitious Interpool inspector. He follows a trail of dangerous drug dealers that leads to Hamburg. With the colleagues there, he decides to infiltrate the gang. The beautiful dancer Arlette helps him.


A crime movie directed by Ernst Hofbauer.


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