Rolf Forsberg

The Romans saw the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World as the crowning achievements of their predecessors. Through stunning on-location and re-created visuals, learn how and why they were built and how they dazzled the ancients.


He promised to return. The scriptures foretell of seven events that will herald the second coming of Jesus Christ. Two are already part of history. Some are in the making now. The rest are in the near future. "the Seven Sign"s explains the prophetic visions of the Prophet David of the Old Testament, and the Apostle John of the New. What they saw was alarming. These biblical visions could be indications of where our civilization is headed in the future. As mankind peers into the troubled future, some see the new millennium as the beginning of the end.


The Late, Great Planet Earth is the title of a best-selling 1970 book co-authored by Hal Lindsey and Carole C. Carlson, and first published by Zondervan. The book was adapted in 1979 into a movie. The Late, Great Planet Earth is a treatment of literalist, premillennial, dispensational eschatology. As such, it compared end-time prophecies in the Bible with then-current events in an attempt to broadly predict future scenarios leading to the rapture of believers before the tribulation and Second Coming of Christ to establish his thousand-year (i.e. millennial) Kingdom on Earth.


The experiences of a young girl help to focus attention on some psycho-social aspects of the venereal disease problem. Written and directed by Rolf Forsberg (maker of Parable, Stalked, Ark, One Friday).

A man takes care of an oasis in the middle of a harsh, toxic land.


In what could easily pass as a Twilight Zone episode, this film shows what happens when a troubled carnival owner returns back to his childhood home to escape God. Films like this would be shown to adult church groups to stimulate discussion - things like “was this man being stalked by Jesus in wooden shoes?” or “why was this film so creepy?” It was made by prolific Christian director Rolf Forsberg (The Late Great Planet Earth, Jesus Roast), featured veteran film actors Jack Hawkins (Ben Hur, Theatre of Blood), Saeed Jaffrey (Passage to India, Gandhi) and Barry Sullivan (Wolf Larsen, Oh God) shot on location in Amsterdam, London and Madrid.


This classic from Rolf Forsberg, in the style of Fellini and Bergman, tells the story of a gardener who decides to introduce ants to his garden, because they will benefit what grows there. He is disturbed when the ants spend all their time fighting. He sends his son to teach them how to live peacefully.


In an old fashioned circus, all the clowns have problems over their heads. A puppeteer named Magnus controls them like marionettes until a good clown tries to help.
