Rolf Just Nilsen

Remo Caprino loosely and grippingly tells the story about the making of the now beloved norwegian movie, the production itself and the cultural impact it has had for almost 40 years.

Once upon a time a little girl went out to find the Christmas Star.


100 miles north, a bit east and up, is Pinchcliffe... the home of bicycle repairman Reodor Felgen and his two assistants, Solan Gundersen and Ludvig. Sponsored by oil sheik Ben Redic Fy Fazan, they build the car "Il Tempo Gigante" and the race of the decade is a fact.


Follows the entire day of Mariken and Per Egil's wedding.


Based on a play by Dario Fo.

A man who can not laugh gets help by a psychiatrist.


Foaming sea from the Royal Norwegian Navy, with a crew on duty onwards to Tromsø. Onboard speedy warships with splash from the sea, song, music and girls in every harbor. Welcome to the boys in the navy!


A group of very different men are summoned for their refresher training at Haglemoen military camp. One more strange than the other, we get to meet jovial salesman Goggen Rask, car mechanic Bottolph Johansen, nicknamed daydreamer, and ship-owner Rieber Larsen Jr. They form an unruly faction which Major Kampstrup struggles to maintain structured and prepared, not to mention keeping them inside the camp premises before they pretend sick to see the nurses Bitten and Florence. The men do their best to get through their rigourous training, with great confusion and comical situations.


This is a light comedy from Edith Carlmar, Norways first woman director. It takes place in a company that sells baby toys. It is time to fill a leading position, and it is known the owner of the company only places married men on leading positions. This leads a young bachelor to "borrow" his best friends wife to have a chance at the position. This leads to a lot of comic misunderstandings, not the least because the owner of the company himself falls for the new young wife.


Boy scouts get hold of a sailboat that they travel down the coast with. They get on the trail of some smugglers, whom they catch after several dramatic episodes.