Romano Giomini

Goldface fights dr. Cobra's, aided by a bare chested African named Kotar. When Kotar's not punching folks, he's eating peanuts, bugging out his eyes, and speaking gibberish while referring to Goldy as "B'wana".


Giovanna and Franco are lovers pretending to be brother and sister in order to con unsuspecting marks while staying in the most luxurious locales throughout Europe. In their travels, they come across the beautiful Christina, a girl who is being threatened by her brother, Sergio, in order to get the family fortune. But as Giovanna and Franco delve into their story, the double-crossing begins, and no one is sure who is getting tricked.


A German scientist takes refuge in an unnamed South American country, and finishes the development of a weapon of mass destruction. Lesky, is assistant, is paid by a Chinese spy ring to abduct the scientist, and appropriate the weapon. Super agent Z7's mission is to find them and prevent that, which he does - at a cost of a number of lives.


Three year old Ada, daughter of the British captain McPherson, is captured by the Indian Tukh sect to represent the incarnation of Kali. Ever hidden in a vast underground system of caverns, she watches over human sacrifices, doubting her vocation. 15 years have passed when her father finally finds her and attempts a rescue, together with a snake-hunter who has fallen in love with her.


Two rich Sicilian cousins sell their farm because they want to help two fake Siamese twins separate and then marry them. After the operation the girls are thought to be dead but then they reappear to con more money out of the two gullible men. Will they manage to do so?


It's 1790 and British Naval Commander Redway is driven by greed for money and will stop at nothing to get it. His second in command, David Robinson, questions his allegiance when Redway kills his father and takes his brother prisoner. In order to save his brother and avenge his father's death David must join forces with a band of pirates, led by Captain Bernard, hunt down and kill Redway.


Gordon, The Black Pirate, battles the slavery trade.
