Romano Scandariato

Nino is a pianist, he runs into Valentina in the underground and falls for her. Valentina is rich but she tells nothing to Nino who is proud. Andrea was the boy of Valentina before Nino and wants to marry her for her money. Nino leaves Valentina when he finds out that she is rich while Andrea, turned down again, kidnaps Valentina.


Nino establishes a club of supporters of Naples, fighting against the violence in the stadiums. But the Camorra hinders its project.


After Malukan immigrants engage in a string of corpse mutilations at various New York City hospitals, a doctor and a morgue assistant travel to the Maluku Islands to investigate.


Police Commissioner Verrazzano (Luc Merenda) is visited by charming Giulia Medici (Janet Agren) who claims that her brother, banker Valter Medici didn't commit suicide but was murdered. The investigation leads Verrazzano to dark secrets of loan sharks.


While attempting to interview an elusive gangster, photojournalist Emanuelle notices a man pushing a girl in a wheelchair through the airport. Later, in another country she sees the same man and the girl up and walking. Intrigued, she does a bit of investigating and uncovers an organization dealing in the buying and selling of young women. She goes undercover into the organization but finds that getting out again could cost her her career...and her life.


While doing undercover work in a mental hospital, Emanuelle discovers a girl who seems to have been raised by a tribe of amazonian cannibals. Intrigued, Emanuelle and friends travel deep into the Amazon jungle, where they find that the supposedly extinct tribe of cannibals is still very much alive.


A school bus with young children being kidnapped. Commissario Betti will solve the case. High action is promised, including hostage, bank robberies, car chases, prison scenes and mafia bosses!


Young Gigi is summering with uncle Amedeo and his wife Betsy attempting to learn English. His cousin Gemma, however, despite being betrothed before teases him and then she becomes his lover. Now Gigi manages to seduce Betsy for a night of passion.


A young man gets a pleasant surprise when a comely "relative" agrees to teach him the rudiments of sex.


Tazio Brother from Velletri has a reputation as a miracle worker. Messer Nuccio de 'Tornabuoni bets that will win Lisa, the wife of the standard-bearer of Justice Lapo de' Pazzi. To realize the dream spread the news that Brother Tazio has the power to drive the demon of lust from the body of women, after he himself claims to be the famous monk and is abusing Lisa and careful Gigliola, the Lapo sister. Thus begins a series of daring escapes, occasionally interrupted by the conquest of new girls. Meanwhile frà Tazio it suffers the ire of betrayed husbands.


A man discovers an ancient Incan formula for raising the dead, and uses it for a series of revenge murders.


The townsfolk of Trinity decide to hire a notorious bounty hunter to protect them from a fierce band of Mexican outlaws who are terrorizing the area.


This comical spaghetti western inspired by the success of Lo Chiamavano Trinita and its sequels benefits from expansive cinematography by future cult filmmaker Aristide Massaccesi (a.k.a. Joe D'Amato). Stan Cooper and Gordon Mitchell star as a pair of bumbling conmen who wander through the West looking to make a fast buck. Their plans go awry when they run into a blustering, foul-tempered Mexican general who wants them eliminated.


Oscar is trying to re-establish an affair with Sandra, a disturbed young woman. Having found her husband Fabrizio shot dead and her young son Ricky standing beside him with a gun, Sandra suffered a complete breakdown and now lives in isolation with her protective mother. The latter saved the young boy from recrimination by placing the gun in his father's hand, making it seem like he committed suicide. However, things are not what they seem...
