Romanus Fuhrmann

The bleakness of Antarctica is a fallacy. The ice continent is full of life and offers a biodiversity of which only about two percent are known. Much of it is under water and could determine the future of human beings. When the northern lights cover the ice landscape in summer, the animals in the Antarctic are in a paradisiacal state. Whales blow their fountains in the sky, penguins fly like small rockets into the water, seals dive for crabs under the glittering ice floes. From the bay of the Ross Sea to the ice shelf, from the huge penguin colonies to steaming volcanoes, a life in rhythm with the ice. But the consequences of climate change are slowly becoming apparent here too. While some species are dying, others are spreading. They could bring new viruses and bacteria with them, and new dangers for humans too. The structure of nature has gotten off course. How many generations will still be able to experience the magic of Antarctica?

Rudolf Ferdinand Hoess - The Kommandant - Auschwitz's death camp notorious commander, responsible for the mass murder of millions of people, gets interviewed by the Polish Prosecutor Albert Piotrowski. Hoess has become one of the most notorious figures of the 20th century. His character symbolizes, more than any other, the highest degree of evil mankind has ever reached. The film pictures the interrogation of Hoess and his full confession to the mass murders he ordered in the name of the Nazi Regime.


The Searcher, a guy who left his old life in search of the Sweet Fruits, sets out to travel into the world. In the very beginning he meets the forester, who seems to have the answer to all his questions. Unfortunately the Searcher doesn't understand anything the forester says, so he has to consult with the wise men of this world in the hope that they can give him the answers he is looking for. His Odyssey leads him on dangerous adventures around the globe until he can finally meet his destiny and uncover the secret of the Sweet Fruits.
