Ron Paul

A documentary on anarchism to present to mainstream audiences.


Why are we seeing so many mass shootings in our schools, churches, and public places? Why do our “experts” (criminologists, psychiatrists, sociologists, and clergy) have so few answers? And the “gun-control lobby”, it almost seems they want mass shootings in order to “justify” infringements of the Second Amendment and promote the globalist agenda. But is that wise? Scholars tell us governments have killed over 262 million of their own citizens in just the past century. So, is the reason we keep and bear arms really for target practice and duck hunting? Scientific American says one in six Americans are on psych drugs: the very drugs the mainstream media profits from every day. Is there a connection between Big Pharma’s product and mass shootings, or are guns the problem? What destruction would a world government do if this is what national governments do? Good Guys with Guns asks some hard questions. What can we the people do to deter tyranny and atrocities?

American Addict 2 delves deeper into the world of corruption, politics and pharmaceutical greed.


Approaching collapse, the nation's economy is quickly eroding. As crime and fear take over the countryside, the government continues to exert its brutal force against the nation's most productive who are mysteriously vanishing - leaving behind a wake of despair. One man has the answer. One woman stands in his way. Some will stop at nothing to control him. Others will stop at nothing to save him. He swore by his life. They swore to find him.


History shows that, when citizens are unarmed, government suppression and tyranny are inevitable. MOLON LABE - inspired by The Sword and Sovereignty by Edwin Vieira, Jr., A.B., A.M., Ph.D., J.D. Harvard - explores how the "power of the sword" guarantees America's freedom.


A conservative Iowa housewife's personal and political convictions are severely tested as she seeks answers from the Republican presidential candidates leading up to the 2012 Iowa Caucuses.


"Global Eugenics - Using Medicine To Kill" - A shocking new movie that covers topics such as the swine flu, vaccines and vaccinations, martial law, medical news, water. depopulation, eugenics, Monsanto, gm seeds, agenda 21, and codex Alimentarius. A must see for all.....


A shocking new 2 hour film by B.A. Brooks. This 2010 release is a follow up to "The Decline And Fall Of America" which was released in 2008. "The American Matrix - Age Of Deception" details news items that all people should be aware of such as the economic collapse of The United States and the formation of the a New World Order. See what has really been going on in America today.


A love affair with collectivist ideologies has lead to ever bigger government and the welfare-warfare state. Lead by a Marxist splinter group called the "Frankfurt School" -- "the long march through the institutions" has infiltrated every corner of Western culture to corrupt traditional Christian values with "political correctness," another name for "cultural Marxism." The ultimate goal of cultural Marxism is to first destroy American free-enterprise capitalism by undermining its economic engine, the Middle Class and this will lead -- they hope -- to the destruction of the basic building block of society: the Family Unit.


Corporations have hijacked congress and are running roughshod over Americans, especially the Middle Class.


Flamboyantly gay Austrian television reporter Bruno stirs up trouble with unsuspecting guests and large crowds through brutally frank interviews and painfully hilarious public displays of homosexuality.


A documentary over the Liberty March held in Washington D.C. in 2008. Includes speeches by Ron Paul, Adam Kokesh, Jim Guest, and G. Edward Griffin.

Texas filmmaker Kevin Booth delves into a world of deceit and corruption controlled by a drug dealing government who's only allegiance is to its corporate masters.


FIAT EMPIRE was one of the first films to come out on the Federal Reserve System providing a valuable primer on a complex subject. This 60-minute documentary explores why some feel the "Fed" is a "bunch of organized crooks" (as John Adams put it) and others feel some of its practices "are in violation of the U.S. Constitution." Discover why experts agree the Fed is a banking cartel that benefits mainly bankers, their clients in need of "easy money" and bailouts, and a Congress that would rather go deeper in debt than seek funding from its constituents. Long-term studies indicate the Federal Reserve System encourages war, destabilizes the economy (by causing boom and bust cycles), generates inflation (a hidden tax) and is the supreme instrument of unjust enrichment for a select group of insiders. If you are fed up with an ever-expanding state and corporations that are "too-big-to-fail," look no farther than the fiat currency printed by the Federal Reserve System.


is a dynamic 2 hour video featuring some of the most informed minds in the world today who expose the latest revelations of the New World Order's agenda in shocking detail.
