Ronne Troup

A crusty old rancher hires three young women to pose as his daughters. However, the real father of one of the daughters finds out about it, and kidnaps her to hold her for ransom--which the rancher can't pay.


Danger Island is a live-action adventure serial produced by Hanna-Barbera and originally broadcast in 1968 as a segment on the Banana Splits Adventure Hour. It was filmed in Mexico and directed by future Superman, Goonies, and Lethal Weapon director Richard Donner and featured Jan-Michael Vincent as Lincoln 'Link' Simmons. The series comprises a 3-hour adventure yarn broken down into 36 short chapters. Each chapter is roughly five minutes long and includes a suspenseful cliffhanger ending that is resolved in the next installment.


Bob Holcomb will do anything to stop his daughter JoJo from tying the knot with her lazy boyfriend, even move her all the way to Sweden! But once they're "safely" out of the country, JoJo falls for a sly Swedish playboy.
