Rosa Gore

A magic lamp lets a young couple become kids again and exposes a mean old man who runs his orphanage like a prison.


The boys think their days of fishing to feed themselves have come to an end, when Stan's rich uncle Ebenezer dies leaving a large estate. But they soon learn that Ebenezer was murdered and all the relatives, including Stan, are suspects. This is the first film where Oliver says "Here's Another 'Nice' Mess You've Gotten Me Into". The phrase is commonly misquoted as "Here's Another 'Fine' Mess You've Gotten Me Into" and has passed into everyday language usage.


Better known for her work in talkie "weepers," Helen Twelvetrees made a few preliminary appearances in such late silent films as Fox's Blue Skies. The audience was expected to believe that the twentysomething Twelvetrees and Frank Albertson are teenagers living together platonically in an orphan asylum. A wealthy old man comes calling to adopt Albertson -- who, feeling sorry for Twelvetrees, trades places with the girl. Thus it is that the heroine is carted off to a luxurious mansion, while Albertson remains behind. One year later, the old man discovers Albertson's deception, whereupon he invites the boy to live with him as well. By this time, Twelvetrees and Albertson are of marriageable age, thus the film ends with a wedding in the offing.

In this comedy-western, based on the life of Henry Irving Dodge, our cowboy hero keeps his tongue firmly planted in his cheek as he goes up against a town run by such women as newly elected sheriff, Carrie Patience. Hoping to restore some masculinity to the sheriff's office, Gibson stages a series of fake hold-ups but is soon upstaged by a real crook


Story of a young shanghaied sailor. Forced to work as a deckhand on a rough-and-tumble transport vessel, the sailor ends up in South America, where his brutish captain intends to sell guns and ammo to a band of revolutionaries. Besting the villains, Jack gets into the thick of things himself, ultimately rescuing the heroine -- likewise "shanghaied" by the captain -- from Certain Doom.

Andy Barden, Edna Jordan, and Dan Murdock are the three claimants to the valuable mine of the late Abner Ferrige. Edna takes possession but Murdock gets her to leave and while the three are away his men take possession. But when the Lawyer arrives to announce that Ferrige never filed, everyone rushes off to be the first at the claims office.


A wealthy bachelor lies his way out of a speeding ticket by telling the cops he's on his way to visit his baby girl in hospital - ever helpful, they accompany him whereupon a little girl attaches herself to him, with hilarious results.


Struggling stockbroker Jimmie Shannon learns that, if he gets married by 7 p.m. on his 27th birthday -- which is today -- he'll inherit $7 million from an eccentric relative.


The Million Dollar Handicap

Jim Wilson is separated from his wife Bella, so when his maiden Aunt Selina -- who thoroughly disapproves of divorce -- comes to visit, Wilson is compelled to locate a temporary wife. His friend, Kit Eclair, is happy to fill in, but during a party, his home is quarantined for smallpox. To complicate matters, a burglar is hiding from a cop in Wilson's home, and wacky Anne Brown is busy trying to hold a seance.


When her newspaper reporter brother is taken ill, a young woman takes over his job. Before she knows it, she's involved up to her neck in a plot involving stolen jewelry and a very agile monkey.


Leon Errol comedy produced by George Kleine


Jimmy Aubrey comedy produced by Vitagraph.

Once to Every Woman (1920)

When a circus troupe comes to a small, extremely conservative New England town, the residents go to their minister to have him protest the scandalous fact that the female tightrope walker wears a pair of pink tights. When she has an accident and is forced to recuperate at the minister's house, he has to hide her in order to avoid even more of a scandal. Mazie Darton, a high-wire performer with a traveling circus, longs for a peaceful country life. Forced to stay in a small town while laid up with an injury, Darton is spurned by the conservative townspeople. Rev. Jonathon Meek, the local parson, befriends the circus troupe, especially Darton. But he, too, opens himself to criticism from his flock, who protest his closeness with the show people. Eventually, Darton's boyfriend arrives and the pair become closer. The parson fades from the scene as a possible mate for Darton, who ends up winning the hearts of the townspeople.


All I can figure is that Stan Laurel is picked up at the train depot and brought back by the husband to the family home where the wife is having a suffragette meeting. None too pleased they cause mayhem and then the neighbours are brought into it as Stan cleans up the backyard by throwing all the rubbish into their award winning garden.


Musty Suffer is invited to stay in a mansion; hilarity ensues.


Musty Suffer gets accidentally kidnapped and has to box for his life.

Musty Suffer as a golf caddy.

Series 2, episode 8 of 'The Mishaps of Musty Suffer' series of one-reel comedies, where Harry Watson gets a make-over.

Musty and his friend, Willie Work, after a comfortable night's rest in a convenient henhouse, set out in search of adventure. They select a mansion with the intention of burglary, but are frightened away by a militant sawbuck. They are summoned by Mme. Cayenne, a jealously guarded wife, who promises them a fine lunch if they will mail a letter to her lover. They agree and the lunch is served. Just as they begin to eat, Senor Cayenne returns. Musty dives out of the second-floor window and hangs from the sill. Willie, who fails to escape, is introduced to Senor as Madame's brother from Kokomo, and royally entertained.