Rosa Tharrats

An archive preserves fragments of toppled statues. In a corner, a fan rocks the atmosphere. The air caresses the gestures of the workers. The hum of the engine and the long wait induce sleep: In a dream, military and civilians smile inertly. (Distant shots, whistles of bullets and explosions). In another dream, there are only stones, indifference and oblivion. (None of the above is real or true).

1774, shortly before the French Revolution, somewhere between Potsdam and Berlin. Madame de Dumeval, the Duke de Tesis and the Duke de Wand, libertines expelled from the puritanical court of Louis XVI, seek the support of the legendary Duc de Walchen, German seducer and freethinker, lonely in a country where hypocrisy and false virtue reign. Their mission is to export libertinage, a philosophy of enlightenment founded on the rejection of moral boundaries and authorities, but moreover to find a safe place to pursue their errant games, where the quest for pleasure no longer obeys laws other than those dictated by unfulfilled desires.


Famous lover Casanova (Vicenç Altaió), now long past his prime, meets Count Dracula (Eliseu Huertas) during a journey to Transylvania.


Reflection on the construction of Europe, its cultural identity and its foundations through the complete adaptation of the texts Conversations with Goethe, by J.P. Eckermann, Hitler's Table Talks and Fassbinder uber Fassbinder: Die ungekurzten Interviews (compilation of interviews with the German filmmaker Rainer Werner Fassbinder, which is used as a counterpoint to the first two books).