Rosalvo Caçador

Prophet Finis Hominis escapes from jail and resumes his mission of saving humanity from its moral ruin.


Edmundo Scivano returns to his hometown after years of failure in his political career. Discredited, he seeks the support of his countrymen to get his life back on track, but finds only contempt and disappointment in his path. Dissatisfied and angry, Scivano decides, insanely, to make a pact with the devil to obtain power and wealth to plot his revenge.

An experimental adaptation of Hamlet to Brazil's rural areas.


Coffin Joe presents an anthology film which tells three macabre tales, all delightfully demented, perverted and grotesque.


The town of Vila Velha is put under a reign of terror by a powerful colonel nicknamed "The Devil", who influences local politicians and hires gunslingers to shoot down those who stand up to him.
