Rosina Mendía

Documentary made immediately after Franco's death, which includes interviews with the dictator's sister and with Alfredo Mayo, the actor who played the lead role in the film 'Raza'.


Biopic about Miguel Báez "El Litri", a descendant of two generations of bullfighters: his older brother touched the glory before he died at twenty years after being gored and complicated by gangrene. His father begged everyone until the last minute that they keep him away from the arena, but "El Litri" knew since childhood that his destiny was to succeed in the world of the bulls


After suffering a family tragedy, Carmen leaves Spain and emigrates to Paris, where she will make new friends among some of the most peculiar characters who inhabit the bohemian neighborhoods of the city…


The troubled story of the Churruca family, a noble lineage of brave seamen, descendants of Cosme Damián Churruca, the Spanish hero of the Battle of Trafalgar; from the Spanish-American War (1898) to the end of the Spanish Civil War (1936-39). (In 1950, a new cut of the film was released with less ideological depth and ten minutes shorter.)
