Rossella Bergamonti

A decadent countess (Françoise Prévost), middle-aged but still attractive, forces her young and timid daughter (Agostina Belli) to marry a rich butcher. But the couple’s sexual relation is troubled, because the girl has her fair share of inhibitions. So she abandons her house and seeks refuge at her sister’s place. During her absence, her husband finds consolation in his mother in law’s arms.


Just out of prison, ex-con Ugo Piazza meets his former employer, a psychopathic gangster Rocco who enjoys sick violence and torture. Both the gangsters and the police believe Ugo has hidden $300,000 that should have gone to an American drug syndicate boss.


After the Civil War a former officer in the northern army helps to capture the head of a gang of outlaws who is operating under the disguise of a deputy sheriff in order to gain information on gold shipments.


A drug trafficker discovers his wife dead with her throat cut. He has no alibi so he takes his mistress to an abandoned hotel. As they become claustrophobic, the panicked criminal discovers more murders, one after another until strangers appear in the night and a sinister web of lies and secrets escalate out of control.


An obscure Italian magistrate suspects that a well-known industrialist commited murder, and decides to investigate him, and bring him to court, whatever it takes. But - will the magistrate have it in him to go against impossible odds, in the name of the Italian people he represents?


Spaghetti western from 1968.


A bounty-hunter is hired by the residents of a small town on the Mexican border to stop a series of gold robberies by marauding outlaws who are coordinated by the town's corrupt banker.


After professional stickup man Mario Corda is jailed, his young, ambitious partner -- who covets both Corda's life and his wife -- cuts loose, leaving a trail of dead bodies in his wake.


An industrialist tries to find an advertising gimmick for his canned meat product "Eat it!". In the fields he finds a savage individual who has reduced himself to two functions only: eating huge amounts of food and making love. So he uses this savage man for his advertising purposes by making the public believe that his meat is an aphrodisiac. Some time later the strange being loses his "gifts". The industrialist tries to replace him, but the incredible amounts of meat he eats turns him into a cow! (Digitmovies)


The story of the Cervi family. Rural farmers brought up to be idealogically opposed to fascism during the era of Mussolini's rule of Italy and World War 2.


Davy Flannigan (Steffen) lost all his memory of what happened during the war because he was double crossed and shot in the head. When he returns to his hometown Dixie, he's wanted for war crimes. Judge Kellog (Berger) poses as his friend and tries to help him uncover the conspiracy, but Kellog is a liar, and Davy sets out for bandit Hackett's hideout. Hackett, so Kellog told him, took his wife Lisa (Galli) and is behind the whole thing. His path covered with bodies, Davy finds out the truth.


FBI agent Brad joins Tony and Nick, the self styled Supermen who battle crime wearing bullet-proof super-suits. They are on a case involving radioactive counterfeit money and people who can be broken down into precious jewels.


Mike Gold is trying to nail a terrorist spy ring who he believes killed his partner. His investigation takes him to Beirut where he is ensnared by a faux-damsel in distress called Jane.


During the War of Secession, a northern army officer hides the gold necessary to purchase horses and weapons in the wagon's wheels. Unfortunately, the journey is more complicated than expected when the two naive drivers sell the wheels to an Indian, and the wagon gets attacked by southern troops! Source: SWDB


During an uprising in the Belgian Congo, a convent of nuns are besieged and the Reverend Mother is killed and Sister Maria is raped. Returning to Belgium, Sister Maria finds out to her horror that she is pregnant. Rejected by her family and her sister, she is told by the Vatican that she is supposed to either give the baby to the church and still be a nun or keep the baby and leave the order. This film follows her decision.


Unknown to anybody else but himself The Stranger arrives in an abandoned town where he witnesses the slaughter of Mexican soldiers by a gang led by Aguila. The Stranger threatens Aguila to denounce him if he does not accept to let him take part in the theft of a shipment of gold. The plan is a success but when The Stranger claims his due, he gets a good beating instead. However The Stranger manages to escape with the gold. The bandits, who want his skin, pursue him. But The Stranger is not the kind to get caught so easily...


One of Tony and Brad's best with the boys on the hunt for a treasure of missing LSD that has been stolen by a criminal organization. Their quest eventually leads the boys to far-off desert oil ruins where much of the film's best action occurs.


Another Eurospy flick featuring Craig Hill as a secret agent.


Diabolik was the "Genius of Crime", Kriminal was known as the "Genius of Evil". While the character was created after Diabolik, it was the first to make it to the big screen. Kriminal was considered more sadistic than Diabolik (though in later tales he softens up and does heroic deeds), and while we see him do some nasty, cruel things, such as the attempt to blow up his ex-wife, the steam bath death of Lady Gold and putting acid in the shaving cream can of his criminal opposite Alex; he somehow doesn't come off as vicious as he was in the fumetti.


Rod Cooper, an American agent of the CIA, is sent to Paris to discover if colonel Segura, head of a clandestine organization which proclaims itself anti-Castroist, is playing a double game at the expense of the United States. He first tries to make contact with Ms Beckett, who should tell him. Segura's intentíons, but the woman is found killed. Subsequently, Rogerson, another American, presents Cooper to Segura himself and so Rod can enter his organization. Here he discovers that the colonel tries to attract a certain number of Americans to use them in an attack against the president of a state of southern America and thus promote communist expansion. Segura soon discovers Rod's real identity and tries to get rid of him; but the agent manages to reverse the situation and kills Segura in a shoot-out.


Patients and those working in an isolated mental hospitals are murdered, one by one, by a madman lurking in the corridors


A tough CIA agent is called in to put a stop to a shipment of weapons to the Viet Cong from an arms smuggling ring in this intercontinental spy thriller.
