Rostislav Yankovsky

The heroes of the film "March" - a group of FSB special forces officers - a quick response team. Every day, dozens of especially dangerous criminals take to the streets of our cities. An elite team of special forces soldiers led by the commander of Major Alexander Buida is taken to detect and neutralize the criminal structures. Trained at a high level, they remain committed to their cause, even when their own lives are in danger. And no matter what they face tomorrow - with drug dealers, with hostage-taking or with terrible terrorist attacks planned by fanatics - a special unit is always on the alert!

The film is based on the story of Anatoly Kurchatkin "House of Women". A tragicomedy about four women of three generations who lives in a tiny Moscow apartment: a sick grandmother, constantly requiring attention; a mother, very peculiar woman, who still hoping to somehow arrange her personal life; and two daughters, each of whom has a lot of problems.


The drama of Eugene Markovsky is based on the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's “Eternal Husband”.


A Cold War spy thriller made at Dovzehnko Film Studio in 1984 and set in Munich. A Ukrainian poet visiting his emigre cousin is threatened into working for the CIA's operations through Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.

Action takes place in England during the 20 years between the two wars. The film explores the relationship in the once wealthy bourgeois family, whose members, in their own way, are experiencing the collapse of their plans and hopes.


"Tale of the Star Child" is a two-part television film, based on the works of Oscar Wilde. Like the earlier film, The Star Boy (1958), The Tale of the Star Boy, was based on two tales from Wilde's collection "A House of Pomegranates" - The Star-Child (1891) and The Birthday of the Infanta (1888) . However, the plot, in contrast to the first screen version, made more significant changes: in particular, added science-fiction elements and completely eliminated magic.


A Red Army officer Polevoy possesses a navy dirk with a secret message encrypted in its handle. The second part of a message belongs to a White army officer Nikitskiy. It's up to three young friends of Polevoy to uncover the mystery.
