Roy Brent

A cowboy (Buster Crabbe) and his sidekick (Al "Fuzzy" St. John) track mail thieves to a hide-out.


A gang of swindlers takes advantage of simple-minded Fuzzy Jones.....


Cattle thieves attack every cattle drive that comes near Hagerstown. If they do not sell their cattle for 50 cents on the dollar, they are all stolen. U.S. Marshal Stormy has been sent to end this reign of terror and to find the stolen cattle. He starts with a patrol of cattleman that blast every attempt of the outlaws to steal the herd.


When a group of gunmen are running sharecroppers off their land, rancher Andy Jones sends for his friend Billy Carson to organise the sharecroppers to fight. Andy is soon mortally wounded by the gunmen, but before his death schemes for his no good twin brother Fuzzy to be sent for to impersonate him. The gunmen, witnessing Andy's funeral fear that Fuzzy is Andy's avenging ghost.


Construction workers in World War II in the Pacific are needed to build military sites, but the work is dangerous and they doubt the ability of the Navy to protect them. After a series of attacks by the Japanese, something new is tried, Construction Battalions (CBs=Seabees). The new CBs have to both build and be ready to fight.


A Robin Hood-type outlaw (Buster Crabbe) rides the range and helps others. Another outlaw who looks just like him (also played by Crabbe) tries to cash in on the other outlaw's reputation.


Learning that Montana is about to become a state and that property values will rise rapidly, Caldwell is using his outlaw gang to force the ranchers off their land.


Dorn is after the rancher's land and is trying to stop Banker Brady from helping them. When his man Hammond kills Brady, there is a run on the bank. When Rocky volunteers to ride to the next town for money, he is ambushed by Dorn's men, loses his memory, and is jailed for supposedly stealing the money.


One man wants to control all the land in the state to graze all his cattle. His band of outlaws are raiding ranchers and homesteaders, trying to drive them out. Rocky (Bob Livingston) and Fuzzy (Al St. John) are brought in to help stop the raiders and keep the land for the small ranchers and homesteaders.


Billy the Kid (Buster Crabbe) and Fuzzy Jones (Al St. John) are on their way out of Arizona being chased by some riders who hope to cash in on the reward money for their capture. They are warned in time by Ed Dawson (Hansel Warner), but Ed is wounded in the getaway. They get a doctor (John Elliott) to attend to Ed. The latter tells them there is a range war in progress across the border and that he is looking for men to help make a cattle drive to the rail junction. Agreeing to help, they head for the Dawson ranch and run across a Dawson man who has been killed from ambush. Mary Dawson (Frances Gladwin), Ed's sister, thinks they did it but they convince her of their innocence. The news of the killing causes ranch foreman Brandon (Charles King), secretly working for the rustlers, to try and get the rest of the Dawson hands to quit, but Billy intercedes and agrees to take the cattle through for Sam Dawson (Ed Cassidy)...


The Governor sends Ken and Hoot to clean up the town of Willow Springs.


Flagwaving story of a new American destroyer, the JOHN PAUL JONES, from the day her keel is laid, to what was very nearly her last voyage. Among the crew, is Steve Boleslavski, a shipyard welder that helped build her, who reenlists, with his old rank of Chief bosuns mate. After failing her sea trials, she is assigned to the mail run, until caught up in a disparate battle with a Japanese sub. After getting torpedoed, and on the verge of sinking, the Captain, and crew hatch a plan to try and save the ship, and destroy the sub.


A gang of tough street kids decide to go straight and get jobs in order to free draft-age men for the war effort. However, because of their past tangles with the law, they can't find anybody who'll hire them. Finally one of them gets a job at the department store where his sister works, but runs afoul of a store executive who is in league with a ring of hijackers.


In this western, two cowboys ride to the rescue of ranchers who are fighting to keep a land-grabber from taking their land and selling it to the railroad


When a band of American Indians breaks a treaty with the federal government, U.S. Marshals Ken Maynard and Hoot Gibson hit the trail with captured outlaw Duke Dillon (Jack La Rue) to find out what sparked the uprising. They discover clues that point to corrupt Indian agent John Hampton (Kenneth Harlan), but meanwhile, the bandit Dillon pulls a fast one on the marshals, and soon everybody's getting ready for a showdown.


Johnny Mack Brown's Universal western series was drawing to a close when Cheyenne Roundup was released in mid-1943. Brown is herein cast in a dual role, as honest Gils Brandon and his less-than-honest brother Buck. Pursued by lawman Steve Rawlins (Tex Ritter), Buck tries to pass himself off as the upright Gils.


Van Heflin stars as the head of a city crime lab who tries to solve the murder of the town mayor by scientifically analyzing evidence.


A superhero known as The Black Commando battles Nazi agents who use explosive gases and artificial lightning to sabotage the war effort.


Hoping to increase its box-office allure by adopting the title of a popular song, Deep in the Heart of Texas (clap!clap!clap!clap!) was the first Johnny Mack Brown western of the 1942-43 season. The plot concerns a group of insurrectionists who intend to keep Texas separate from the rest of the USA.


Calvin Drake employs a group of low-lifes to drive away land owners along the path of a new railroad; Red Ryder opposes this strategy.


Hoppy and Lucky are headed to South America to deliver a heard of cattle. Bay guy Ralph Merritt gets in their way. For a while.


Escaped Prisoner 39013 impersonates the rich and influential Horace Granville, allowing him to create a variety of disasters. Fortunately, he is thwarted repeatedly by three daring circus daredevils.


"Cappy" Ricks comes out of retirement to fight against a bill, sponsored by his old political rivals, that, if passed, would forbid the selling of wooden shingles for house-roofs. He also takes time, along the way, to smooth the rocky road to romance being traveled by Bill Peck and Barbara Blake.


A diver saves his best friend's life but loses his own arm in doing so. Later, unable to find work because of his missing arm, he is forced to go to work for a criminal searching for lost treasures. Meanwhile his friend, who has since become a policeman, finds himself assigned to break up the crook's operation and bring in his gang--including the man who saved his life.


A film crew discovers the "eighth wonder of the world," a giant prehistoric ape, and brings him back to New York, where he wreaks havoc.
