Ruben Simonov

It is a screen version of an Indian national fairy tale. Malicious and greedy rajah wishes to get a wonderful antelope who strikes gold coins by hoofs. The country boy rescues an antelope, but rajah, threatening the boy, compels the antelope to serve him but he is severely punished for it.


Surrounded by a few party officials, Alexei Ivanov, a stakhanovist smelter, is decorated by Stalin. The "Little Father of the Peoples" takes this opportunity to invoke threats of war.... One day, war indeed breaks out. Bombs fall on the field where Alexei finds himself in the company of the schoolmistress Natacha, his fiancée. Alexei joins the Red Army and soon becomes a sergeant. Fighting rages and German troops advance. Natacha is arrested and deported. But the tide turns decisively with the German defeat at Stalingrad. Now the major offensive against Hitler can begin.


A biography of a famous Russian Admiral Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov.
