Rufina Nifontova

Action takes place in England during the 20 years between the two wars. The film explores the relationship in the once wealthy bourgeois family, whose members, in their own way, are experiencing the collapse of their plans and hopes.


Two high school kids meet in class and fall madly in love with each other. Unfortunately, His father and her mother had a history of their own between them which creates uneasiness in both of them. Also because of that, the boy's mother is very jealous and tries to separate them. The only person that tries to help them is their teacher who has relationship problems of her own.


Sometimes divorce process could be really painful. This is exactly the case for the heroes of this romantic drama.


The thirty-year-old decathlete leaves the big sport and becomes a stunt performer in the cinema. About how the movie is shot, and about the development of personal relationships between the main characters.


Based on the play of the same name by A.P. Chekhov.

A young man discovers that his father behaved dishonourably during wartime.


The movie is set during the last days of a foreign intervention against Soviet Russia. Police are searching everywhere for a Bolshevik named Brodsky but cannot find him. Meanwhile, a man named Michel Voronov serves as a teacher to a rich woman's son, Zhen'ka.


Based on the novel of the same name by Leonid Leonov. Young Polya comes to Moscow: she wants to find her father, Professor Vikhrov, and try to understand why her mother broke up with him. Vikhrov is a prominent scientist who has defended the forest from barbaric destruction all his life. The war begins. Professor Vikhrov continues to lecture, proving to students the need to protect the forest. Polya is trying to find out the reasons for the long-standing feud between her father and academician Gratsiansky. Now, when Vikhrov is already not young and lonely, the professor mentally returns to the past...


The third film in the trilogy ("The Sisters", "The Eighteenth Year", "The Gloomy Morning") based on the novel by Aleksei Tolstoy "The Road to Calvary". About the fate of the Russian intelligentsia against the background of the collapse of the Russian Empire and the civil war, which turned the lives of all the heroes of the film narration. Defending Tsaritsyn, the red commander Telegin was seriously wounded. At the hospital, he meets Dasha. After his recovery, the young spouses go together to the Red Army.


Swept up in political unrest during World War I, two sisters in St. Petersburg cope with turbulent romances as Russian history is made around them.


Swept up in political unrest during World War I, two sisters in St. Petersburg cope with turbulent romances as Russian history is made around them.


Drama of the life of a peasant family, who came to work in the fisheries of Astrakhan. The film is set in the late XIX - early XX centuries.
