Ruhi Singh

Mosagallu is an upcoming Indian film based on the true events of a large-scale technical support scam.

Terrorists organization "Radical Posture Group" get access to a new generation technology resulting from Dr. Patel's joint research between India and the UK. Only man can stop them - India's Agent Condor, known to his friends as Karan. Focusing on terrorism, Karan discovers the biggest threat comes from within the ranks of Indian intelligence, from a madman who hopes to make terrorism a global trade. That foe, and the woman he loves, threaten the safety of London with their twisted agenda - Karan has to save the day unsure he can trust anyone around him.


Three hi-tech burglars, who lose their jobs because of a business tycoon, set out to take revenge against him.


The film stars Ruhi Singh as Rhea, a free-spirited girl, whose life turns upside down when her father gets appointed as the Prime Minister of India. The fiercely independent Rhea starts to feel stifled because of the security team that accompanies her wherever she goes and the young lady jumps at the chance of an adventure provided by a mysterious stranger Aryan Shekhawat (Krishna Chaturvedi), who she runs off with while on a vacation in South Africa, much to the anguish of her security team led by RAW agents Lisa Ray and Jaaved Jaaferi.


The film focuses on five girls who hail from different regions of India, and who have been selected to pose for the country's most prestigious annual calendar which is a joint effort between business tycoon Rishabh Kukreja and his photographer friend Timmy Sen.


Moving between two extremes - the intimate verite drama of the Miss India pageant's rigorous beauty "bootcamp" and the intense regime of a militant Hindu fundamentalist camp for young girls. The World Before Her delivers a provocative portrait of India and its current cultural conflicts during a key transitional era in the country's modern history.
