Rui Luís Brás

An adaptation of the short story with the same name by Portuguese writer Eça de Queiroz.

Eva Lemos lives a stable and seemingly happy life, until Marco, her husband, disappears suddenly after knowing that she is pregnant. Marco steals all her money, leaving her homeless and without a job, while Eva learns that Marco was only with her out of interest and lives a double life with Maria. Hatred and revolt take Eva into a journey that transforms her deeply... and not for the better.


A lorry, a road and an unpredictable destiny, all intersecting in a human trafficking network. Caught up in this web, Viktoriya has only one chance: fight to survive.


In an isolated village of the Alentejo region, a conflict arises. José Vitorino, one of the landowners of the region, rich in prehistoric monuments, wants to build a luxurious solarium in lands filled with ancient rocks, places of devotion and sacred rituals. Indifferent to the people’s protest, who believe in the magical powers of the stones and that the region’s drought is due to the rocks’ destruction, José Vitorino hires an architect to plan his new house. On christmas eve, in the middle of the winter solstice, a strange ceremony around a dolmen, once an altar for bloody sacrifices in more remote times, releases a harmful spell. A race against time to reverse the faulty charm begins.


Gabi, a burn unit nurse, is in charge of the mother of an unborn child, burned and comatose from a serial killer assault. The cop handling the case, a friend of Gabi, asks for her help to identify the serial-killer if she wakes up.


Paulo Lima is an engineer responsible for a multinational factory. Due to the recession, the factory receives a visit from the factory's owner's daughter, Luísa, who is sent to increase the factory's profit. Some cuts are due to make.


In this mystical comedy, Felicien has traveled to Portugal from France soon after the end of the First World War. It seems that his recently deceased father had invested a lot of money in a factory located in a remote village, and he has come to evaluate that investment. He gets some clues to the real situation in the town when the man driving his coach refuses to go any further and leaves him on a section of road which is practically paved with abandoned crutches. After a short trek, he meets up with the local dignitary who is to show him around, and he meets a priest and an artist. The priest gives a further clue to the events taking place in the village when he indicates that he's completely exasperated with the endless miracles that seem to be taking place. From that point onward, amazing coincidences, visions and miracles take place in great numbers.


Nights are hidden days beyond our minds. But some remain like flying shadows reshaping the naive images of our lives. Faces hurt with emptiness, characters petrified in silence, lands inked with blood....And we become sleepy, carelessly dying, until morning happens.
