Russ Whiteman

Professor Frankenstein (Whit Bissell) creates a teenager from an accident victim, who gets angry when he learns he is going to be taken apart.


Mike Martin becomes a deputy marshal and takes on a gang of cattle rustlers.


Terrorized citizens send for a Texas lawman to rid their town of bandits.


Marshal "Rocky" Lane comes to the aid of Sheriff Bill Walters who is having a hard time trying to save the local farmers and ranchers from raids and hijackings.


In order to gain passage to the West, a woman poses as an opera singer, and causes a feud between two cousins.


Texas Ranger Sunset Carson is given the mission of tracking down the notorious Marshall gang. Uncovering their hideout, he discovers the gang is led by Ann Marshall and is comprised of three of her ranch-hands, Dakota, PeeWee and Buckskin. He soon learns that they are the innocent victims of a ring of swindlers and cattle rustlers led by the ruthless Matt Conroy.


Gangster Eddie Kagel is killed by a trusted lieutenant and finds himself in Harry Redmond Jr's special effects Hell, where Nick/The Devil sees that he is an-exact double for a judge of whom Nick doesn't approve. Eddie is agreeable to having his soul transferred to the judge's body, as it will give him a chance to avenge himself on his killer. But every action taken by Eddie (as the judge) results in good rather than evil and, to Nick's dismay, the reputation and influence of the judge is enhanced, rather than impaired by Eddie. And Eddie also falls in love with the judge's fiancée, Barbara. Even Eddie's planned revenge fails and Nick is forced to concede defeat. He returns to Hell, taking Eddie with him, after Eddie has extracted his promise that Nick will not molest the judge or Barbara in the future.
