Ryan Kramer

At the zoo, Sylvester's lunch plans are foiled by a rhino.

On a scorching hot day, Bugs Bunny makes himself at home in Elmer Fudd's pool.

At the library, Porky Pig tries to silence a troublemaking Daffy Duck.

Elmer's leaky sink is no match for Daffy.

Wile E. Coyote tries to outsmart Road Runner with his painting skills.

In need of a new hat, Siberian Sam feasts his eyes on Bugs Bunny.

Bugs Bunny accidentally forgets to turn left at Luxembourg whilst burrowing to the Congo and ends up in an amusement park. Spotting the biggest coaster, The Murderizer, he becomes determined to get past Carnie Sam and have a go on the ride.

Bugs Bunny goes to an Amusement Park and tries to ride "The Murderizer" which Yosemite Sams runs without animals allowed, but this doesn't stop Bugs from getting into trouble and trying to get on!

Bugs pretends to be sick so Elmer is forced to nurse him back to health before he can cook him.