Ryosei Konishi

Lurking among us are the Horrors, ancient enemies of our kind. Holding the line against them, down through the ages, are the Makai Knights. Assuming the aspect of Golden Knight Garo, Raiga Saezima has vanquished one such demonic creature, but his magical armour has been tainted with evil. Furthermore, a Knight of the dark has materialized, and taken hold of Mayuri, so dear to Raiga. If he hopes to rescue her, Raiga must board a mysterious train destined for the netherworld. As he advances through the cars of this train, Raiga comes ever closer to confronting his own hidden truths…


Garo: Soukoku no Maryu (lit. Blue Cries of the Demon Dragon) is the second film to the Garo series. The film serves as an epilogue after Makai Senki and leads up to The One Who Shines in the Darkness. The story continues after the events of Makai Senki. Having made a contract with Gajari, Kouga Saejima honors his end of the deal by traveling to the Promised Land to retrieve a part of Gajari: the Fang of Sorrow. After Kouga defeated Sigma, Gajari transported him to the Promised Land, however, his quest had unexpected results.


Kouga Saezima travels to a city from his childhood after receiving orders to hunt down the Horror Karma, an ancient female Horror who is one of the infamous Apostle Horrors. By that time, Karma's followers, Kurusu and Shion set up base in a gothic club called Crime to satisfy their mistress's appetite by bringing her various girls and lure them into her realm with false promises of making their dreams a reality. As Kouga arrives, ignoring the memories he has of it, a Makai Priestess named Rekka also arrives in the city and aids a pair of Makai Priests named Akaza and Shiguto in saving a baby from a Horror posing as a mother. However, Kouga arrives and reveals the "baby" to be a Horror that Zaruba identifies as the cannibalistic Apostle Horror Babel.


"Kamisama Help!" takes place at an abandoned school where a mass murder occurred 25 years earlier... Several cars of people arrive at the abandoned school "Satogakuin". They are "horror planners" who will convert the school into the ghost house. To kill time staff members roam inside the school and feel a strange sense of familiarity. Atsuo walks around by himself. He becomes stunned when he finds an old picture frame in an office. In the picture, a man dressed in a white outfit looks just like Atsuo. At that moment a mysterious blue hits Atsuo and he loses consciences. He starts to have visions of bodies and ghosts covered with blood and suddenly he goes back in time to August 12, 1985. On that day a Japan Air Liner crashed and Satogakuin teacher Sato Takashi goes on a murdering rampage. Sato Takashi was known as a kind and generous person, but his mind was taken over by an evil entity. That evil entity now tries to take over Atsuo's mind...

Based on the comic by GEORGE Asakura


In 2015, CC Corporation's data centre caught on fire destroying "The World", an online RPG. By using data from a different game, CC Corp was able to rebuild the game. In 2016, The World R:2 was released. In this slightly different world, Haseo spends his time with Shino and Ovan in the guild known as the Twilight Brigade. They are on the search for a legendary item. When a rival team challenges them, the conflict has deep repercussions both inside and outside the game and threatens to change the players forever.


In the aftermath events of GARO: Chapter of the Black Wolf, Saejima Kouga sets out to the northern district upon reassignment. While hunting down Horrors, a young priestess named Rin informs Kouga that she's been sent by Priest Amon to save a presumed dead friend in the Makai realm within Kantai, Jabi. Kouga teams up with Rin in a quest to save Jabi as they are hindered by supernatural and Makai forces alike. Meanwhile somewhere in Japan the dark Horror lord Legules was resurrected and plots a means to alter a supernatural event called White Night within Kantai to plunge the world into darkness with his "family." It's the final chapter of GARO as Kouga puts his life on the line to save Jabi and defeat Legules before the world is ruined.

Chocolat Meilleure is a happy-going and optimistic girl. Together with her friend-cum-rival, Vanilla Mieux, they are potential candidates to become Queen of the magic world. After obtaining their magic wands, they set off to the human world to gather the hearts of unsuspecting humans. Whoever gets the most hearts will be the crowned Queen.
