Ryszard Jabłoński

Bored with his job, an office clerk accidentally finds a passport hidden in the toilet, which leads him to start an investigation.

In IX century Europe, on the brink of Poland's birth, a cruel prince, Popiel, murders his cousins to ensure his son's succession. His crimes lead to an uprising of his subjects lead by the former commander of Popiel's army, Piastun, and a young hunter and warrior, Ziemowit. Meanwhile Ziemowit falls in love with Dziwa, lovely girl who is to become a priestess in the local temple ...


One of the best Polish comedies of the late 1990's, "Boys Don't Cry" is a satirical look at the gangsters of Poland and some teens who accidentally get involved with them.


In this Polish-German fantasy thriller, Wroclaw lawyer Anna Bracka (Antonina Choroszy) is after top-level corruption when her lover Jerzy (Artur Zmijewski) suggests she take a bribe to lose the case. After her angry refusal, he rapes her, and she drives away into the rain, nearly hitting amnesiac Witek (Mariusz Bonaszewski) wandering in the road. She takes him to an abandoned housing project, and when his memory returns, he tells her his gun was once owned by retired military prosecutor Jan Szymanski (Jan Nowicki), Anna's father. Anna goes to her father, who remembers prosecuting and then befriending Witek during the 1949 communist takeover of Poland. Flashbacks link the idealistic young Witek, who refused to sign a false statement and betray his beliefs, to the equally idealistic Anna


The esteemed transplantologist is the victim of a conspiracy of his colleagues, as a result of which his brain is transplanted into a pig.


French-polish movie adaptation of the novel by Dostoievski (also known as Demons), directed by Andrzej Wajda.


In nineteenth century Poland Kacper is cursed by his wife Maryna on her deathbed. Her evil spirit then haunts him in the form of a she-wolf.


Set in 1952, the story follows events around the "Peace Run", a propaganda 3-day marathon for peace. The winner is to be presented with a new motorcycle by the country's president. Chief organizer is a ruthless manipulator who will stop at nothing to make sure that the right man wins. There are two runners, Budny and Stolar, who are participating in the race for different reasons.


Crime drama..
