Ryuji Kita

1864. Samurai Shinbei is sent in a secret mission to Ezo, in the North of Japan, to stop riots of villagers commanded by Jirozaemon. A Russian count's daughter, the village leader's daughter and a secret treasure add up to the adventure.


The Silk Hat Boss becomes involved in a car imports business during his trip to Atami.


Gamblers: The Drifter


Japanese crime movie.


A Toho comedy film staring the Crazy Cats.


Twelfth film in the long-running series Daiei Studio's Woman Gambler with Kyoko Enami starring where she plays the woman gambler Ogin.

A college student comes to a wealthy family as a tutor for their son, an elementary school student, he cheerfully encourages his student, captivates him with the spirit of sports and falls in love with the daughter of the owner of the house. A masterpiece of youth drama starring the eternal idol Kazuo Funaki.

This anthology film consists of nine incidents in the late 19th and early 20th centuries when assassins changed the course of Japanese history.


Set up to be the patsy by a rival gang, Furuta Makoto attacks the yakuza boss he thinks is responsible for his father’s murder. He then learns it was all a plot to take over his father’s turf and he seeks vengeance against the puppet master behind the entire conspiracy. His quest for justice leads him to prison where he must fend off the attack of a master assassin before he can make his escape and go after the true killer!

A young man leaves his widowed mother on her improverished farm and makes his career in the Japanese navy.


Tenth film in the long-running series Daiei Studio's Woman Gambler with Kyoko Enami starring where she plays the woman gambler Ogin.

As Japan joins in a political pact with Nazi Germany and fascist Italy, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto is appointed supreme commander of the Japanese fleet. With Japan headed inexorably toward war, Yamamoto, despite his misgivings, believes the only possible victory lies in destroying the American fleet by surprise at Pearl Harbor. The attack succeeds, but fails to sink the American carrier fleet. Thus Yamamoto must lead the Japanese navy into war with ever-diminishing likelihood of success.


A melodrama about a talented singer who finally makes her debut. A remake of the 1939 film of the same name.

The spaceship AAB-Gamma is dispatched from FAFC headquarters in Japan to make a landing on the planet Mars and investigate reports of UFOs in the area. As they near the red planet, they encounter a mysterious UFO that coats the ship's hull with unusual spores. Taking one of the specimens back to earth, it soon develops and grows into a giant chicken-lizard-alien monster that tramples Japan.


King Kong is brought in by the evil Dr. Who to dig for Element X in a mine when the robot Mechani-Kong is unable to do the task. This leads to the machine and the real Kong engaging in a tremendous battle atop Tokyo Tower.


Zatoichi comes upon the town of Tonda, overrun by gangsters. Using one of his favorite techniques, Zatoichi proceeds to win 8 ryo in a rigged gambling game. Of course, the local gangsters attempt to kill him, and the adventure begins. It turns out a blacksmith named Senzo examines Zatoichi's cane sword, and discovers it to be forged by his old mentor. Senzo discovers the sword is at the end of its usefulness and will break when it is used next.


In Hong Kong an International Secret Police (ISP) Agent is murdered while investigating ZZZ, a group bent on assassinating the Prime Minister of Buddhabal. ISP Agents Carter and Kitami are assigned to the case. When the Prime Minister arrives in Tokyo for a friendship visit, Carter and Kitami are on hand to protect him. On hand, too, are assorted ZZZ blackguards. Several attempts on the Prime Minister's life fail, until finally the ZZZ introduces a new device designed to eliminate not only the Prime Minister but the ISP Agents as well: THE KILLING BOTTLE, then, is a pocket-sized container filled with a substance that can expand to thousands of times its size and throttle its victim, then disappear leaving only the corpse.


After yakuza boss Kurata dissolves his own criminal empire, a rival kingpin offers a position to Kurata's top operative, Tetsuya "Phoenix Tetsu" Hondo. When the fiercely loyal Tetsu declines, Otsuka taps unstoppable Tatsuzo the "Viper", a ruthless gun-for-hire, to assassinate him. As the Viper trails his target through the countryside, the agile Phoenix Tetsu grows concerned that one of his former associates has betrayed him.


Seventh movie of the Wakadaishō series directed by Kengo Furusawa


The fifth and final installment with the build up of the epic battle between Sasaki Kojiro and Miyamoto Musashi. With all the familiar characters making appearances: Otsu (Musashi's great love), Akemi, Matahachi (his former fellow soldier), old lady Osugi (still doggedly trying to defeat Musashi), and even the return of Priest Takuan (the man responsible for his journey towards enlightenment). But most of all, the boastful, long-haired and long-sworded Sasaki Kojiro.


[Period covered: 1637-1651] This is one of the most complicated plots of any of the Shinobi no Mono films! This film tells the story of Saizo’s son, Kirigakure Saisuke, who after seeing his father die at the Battle Of Shimabara, grows up to be an expert ninja. Before he dies, “Mist” Saizo tells his children Saisuke, and Yuri that they are not really brother and sister. She, in fact, is the daughter of the late lord Sanada Yukimura, and must be saved from the shogun’s forces. In the chess match of spy versus spy, can Saisuke defeat the shogun’s chief strategist, Matsudaira Izunokami at his own game? Showing many exciting ninja tactics, it is not to be missed.


The brother of an up-and-coming kendoka is mysteriously murdered while working on a new model of motorboat.

Mourning the death of her boyfriend, Yukiko wanders aimlessly from one city to another. During her mourning, she becomes addicted to gambling. One day, a man that resembles her deceased lover asks for help. He's being pursued by a dangerous gang of yakuza.


The Yagyu Family have been teaching the Shinkage style of fencing for generations. Now a new fencing school has opened in Edo, claiming to be the true Shinkage style. Yagyu Jubei faces his biggest challenge yet when the master of the new school claims he is the legitimate successor of Shinkage and tries to take the Yagyu's political power.


A young man longs to travel to Hawaii, the birthplace of his deceased father, against the wishes of his family, who are estranged from those relatives in Waikiki.

Young Lord Takenaka stands to succeed his father until a series of violent actions lead his retainers to think that he has gone mad with blood-lust. Never offering any explanation, he continues his seemingly unprovoked attacks until he is sent away from his domain.


The final film in the 20 Duels of Young Shingo trilogy directed by Sadatsugu Matsuda.

A sadistic Daimyo (feudal lord) rapes a woman and murders both her and her husband, but even when one of his own vassals commits suicide to bring attention to the crime, the matter is quickly hushed up. Not only will there be no punishment, but because the Daimyo is the Shogun's younger brother, he will soon be appointed to a high political position from which he could wreak even more havoc. Convinced that the fate of the Shogunate hangs in the balance, a plot is hatched to assassinate the Daimyo. The two most brilliant strategic minds of their generation find themselves pitted against each other; one is tasked to defend a man he despises, and has a small army at his disposal. The other is given a suicide mission, and has 12 brave men. They are the 13 Assassins.


A group of Iga ninja risk their lives to protect Tokugawa Ieyasu from the villianous Koga Ninja. Kagemaru uses his amazing Iga ninja skills to fight the evil Koga Ninja in the name of justice! A stunning old-school Ninja action adventure, full of special effects! It splendid cast includes Matsukata Hiroki as 'Kagemaru' and Yamashiro Shingo as 'Amanojaki', Kagemaru's arch-enemy.


A low ranking yakuza who spends more time enjoying life than doing the yakuza work falls in love with a pretty student girl, whose brother later gets drawn into the yakuza business against his own wishes.

A princess seeks adventure and true love, with help from her loyal servant.

Jubei must stop evil plot of Lord Hayatonosho who secretly plans to overthrow the Shogunate.

The famed ninja Yagyu Jubei fights to suppress a coup d’etat plotted against Tokugawa Shogunate.

In the fifth installment, Yagyu Jubei must prove the innocence of his family who is suspected of conspiring to take Shogun's life.


In 1730, the Tokugawa Shogunate orders the Yagyu Clan to repair a huge shrine. Since it cannot refuse the Shogunate's request, the impoverished Yagyu Clan tries to raise funds by obtaining a sword which holds the key to a wondrous, hidden treasure. After learning the sword's secret, Tange Sazen sides with the Yagyu Clan, but his motive seems to be more than just pure interest in the treasure...


After a salary-man's fiancée attempts suicide, he recounts his gruesome family history, which sees generations of his ancestors sacrificing themselves for the sake of their cruel lords. hey were samurai, the military nobility caste who carried out acts of violence at the behest of feudal lords, but suffered evenmore so under their cruelty, often forced into ritual suicide (seppuku). The women were under constant threat of kidnapping and rape,and the men subjected to arbitrary disfigurement and homosexual slavery...


A kabuki actor is assassinated during a New Year celebration show, in front of everyone, fortunately the great detective Umon is among the audience. Along with his quirky assistant they set on the trail of revenge killing. Revenge for what? Who and where is the killer? And what does a treasure and swastika spider tattoos have to do with the case?

Shuhei Hirayama is a widower with a 24-year-old daughter. Gradually, he comes to realize that she should not be obliged to look after him for the rest of his life, so he arranges a marriage for her.


A carpenter, Shigetsugu, learns a lesson of love and humanity from five orphaned children and an affectionate woman named Oritsu. It's a winning combination of drama and humor. The warm friendship that grows between the carpenter, the woman and the children making this into a true masterpiece.


On his deathbed, a wealthy businessman announces that his fortune is to be split equally among his three illegitimate children, whose whereabouts are unknown to his family and colleagues. A bevy of lawyers and associates scheme to procure the money for themselves, enlisting the aid of impostors and blackmail.


A Hibari Misora musical.

With plenty of action, and a strong story about the growth and development of an expert swordsman, who just happens to be from an extremely privileged background.

During the middle of the Kanei Period (1624-1644) Japan was in the early stages of its most peaceful era. This left a large number of unemployed samurai with nothing to do, and their morale suffered. In order to raise their spirits, the Shogun's Chief Advisor suggests that they hold a "Festival of Swordsmen" in the Shogun's presence. Problems arise when some of the martial artists bring their personal grudges to the competition. When Busshi Shirogoro (OTOMO) meets the daughter of the late Lord SANADA Yukimura sparks fly as she tries to use the competition to carry out her vengeance against Shogun Iemitsu.


Two groups are after the legendary Yagyu Secret Scrolls. A princess of a disgraced clan and her loyal servant want it to clear their family's name. And a rival clan wants it to destroy the Yagyu family. Only master swordsman, Yagyu Jubei stands in their way. What is the secret that is hidden away in the scrolls?


A young son of a master of the Kuwana clan gets disowned for his rebellious behavior. After he goes from the mountains to the ocean defeating the evil, he becomes a fine man.

A maiden is murdered by a mysterious ninja, unfortunately two young ladies witness this, good thing the bored Lord is walking by, he saved the girls but was too late to save the maiden, quickly he finds himself mixed up in a mystery of murdered maidens, an unknown ninja clan, attempted assassinations towards himself and a cursed vampire bat cave, can the bored Lord solve this puzzle before maidens lose their lives?

Under a decree by the Shogun, people of all classes are forced to lead a frugal lifestyle. However, Omitsu, a woman who is thought to have gone insane after the sudden death of her father, openly disobeys this order and goes around town fancifully dressed. Unknown to all around her, Omitsu is merely acting, using her perceived madness to roam around town conducting her own secret investigation into her father's death. Will her skillful ruse help her to reveal the truth?

The second film in the 20 Duels of Young Shingo trilogy directed by Sadatsugu Matsuda.

Lord Gennosuke and Princess Yoshi are to be betrothed to one another, however Gennosuke is already in love with Suzue who is from a lower caste. The order has been sent from up on high that if Gennosuke won't change his mind then Suzue must be dealt with one way or another. When spearmaster, Fuwa Mondo, a Ronin and all around happy guy stumbles into the plot, things get a little hokey-pokey.


This is the second film in the popular black and white series about the master swordsman, Yagyu Jubei. When the Yagyu clan falls victim to rival Kasumi spies, Yagyu Jubei is called to action to protect them. But in performing his duty, he becomes the target of those who wish to destroy his clan.

Action and adventure abound in this story of friendship between two rival firefighters, Kichigoro and Jirokichi in old Japan. When Mukai Sadayu, the vassal of Kaga Clan's accounting officer, Shinagawa Daihachi demands that Omon serve him tea in his mansion and she refuses, the clan's samurai abduct her setting in motion a series of events that will bring the two firefighters into a world of danger and excitement. Jirokichi, leader of the Edo firefighting team "Ha-gumi" must first rescue Omon from the clutches of the vile Kaga Clan's retainers.

The second work in the series "Cases of An Actor in Disguise" starring Kokichi Takada, based on the original work of Tatsuro Jinde. Popular ronin actor Kasumi Ippei intervenes in a planned robbery of the mint, where gold coins are minted for the Shogunate.

Rampant ronin Matashiro Sasai, finds himself embroiled in serious unrest after he rescues a geisha who is being kidnapped by a group of ronin.

Detective Hanshichi solves 3 mysterious murder cases.

A kindhearted wandering gambler named Hajiro gets involved in a crisis of a village as he passes through and decides to lend a sword in hopes to rescue them.

A successful textile industrialist from the provinces, who is beloved by his employees for his kindness, cannot find a wife because of a disfiguring birthmark on his face. Even the courtesans in Yoshiwara refuse to entertain him, until an indentured peasant prostitute, Tamarazu, takes the unsavoury assignment and treats him with brash tenderness.


Young geisha Kohana scrambles to realize her dream of bringing back her grandmother’s restaurant business.

A mother gets help from her late husband's three friends in order to get her daughter married to a well-settled man.


The success story of a group of ronin who fights against traffickers during the Edo Tenpo period.

The death of a samurai in a palanquin leads girl detective Oshichi to take action to crush a plot to overthrow the Shogunate.

A Japanese pacifist, unable to face the dire consequences of conscientious objection, is transformed by his attempts to compromise with the demands of war-time Japan.


A woman diver in great peril is rescued by Shinji, a fisherman. But his deed is belittled by Takiko, another diver, as a rash act. Her attitude, however, is nothing but a cloak to hide her affection for him. Shinji, hard working and manly, becomes the focus of many yearning eyes and Seikichi, the boss' son, picks a quarrel with him and violent fight ensues in which Shinji kills a man in self-defense.

Later in his career, Ozu started becoming increasingly sympathetic with the younger generation, a shift that was cemented in Equinox Flower, his gorgeously detailed first color film, about an old-fashioned father and his newfangled daughter.


Ignoring the protests of his working-class mother, a young man becomes wrapped up in the world of delinquents and yakuza.


A group of rank-and-file Japanese soldiers are jailed for crimes against humanity, themselves victims of a nation refusing to bear its burdens as a whole.


Machiko Ujiie and Haruki Atomiya first meet and fall in love on Ginza’s Sukiyabashi Bridge during the Great Tokyo Air Raid in March 1945. Machiko and Haruki pledge to meet again at the bridge in six months but part without asking each other’s names.


Director Noboru Nakamura depicts the romance of men and women against the backdrop of the great outdoors of Hokkaido.

The story of a father and two teenaged sons, and the rivalry between the two siblings as they begin to discover the attraction of girls.


When a family has to relocate due to the war, they are ostracized by their new community.


Two journalists and their lovers share an uncertain future.


Drama directed by Yasushi Sasaki.

This film begins with a teacher describing to his students how brave the crew was which died as result of Japan's first submarine accident. The film then follows two of the pupils, one becomes a submarine captain and the other designs submarines.

The conquest of China via Japanese WWII propaganda.


A spy (Yukiko Todoroki) infiltrates an aircraft company as an employee and tries to obtain a report on a new engine developed by engineer Morimoto (Ichiro Izawa). Behind it is a spy organization which aims to destroy it. The crew, who fail to rob the report, set a time bomb on the stage at the announcement the secret of the engine as a last resort. Director Hiroyuki Yamamoto is known for national spy movies such as "The Man Who Came from Chongqing" (1943), and worked for Nikkatsu Tamagawa Film Studio before it was integrated into the new company Daiei. This film was long thought to be lost and only recovered in a 70-minute version in the Gosfilm archives in the USSR. Although it was criticized at that time, it is said that a letter of appreciation was also given by the commander of the military police for improving the counterintelligence of the people. (from National Film Archive of Japan)