Ryûji Yamamoto

Mystery writer Kosaku Asahina scores yet another scoop in a case that occurred in the streets. He even personally conducts investigations and frequently makes these cases the basis for his own novels. It maybe because his late father was a scholar that he is cool, but brims with curiosity and action. One day, Kosaku is facing the computer in his living room and writing a new novel. The novel is based on the baffling case of a female who fell to her death in Setagaya in the past. Kosaku had personally conducted interviews and inspected the scene of her death, but still cannot get to the truth. Then a letter addressed to his father Konosuke who died more than 20 years ago, is delivered to Kosaku. The name of the sender is the female whose mysterious death from a fall, is the subject of Kosaku’s new novel.

The body of a person who died an unnatural death is discovered encased in mortar like concrete in the basement of an abandoned building. Why was the person murdered this way? The next day, the investigation task force receives a phone call from the criminal who calls himself Tremi during a meeting to discuss the investigation of the case. Then, in a short time after her transfer to the First Investigative Division, Kisaragi Toko becomes the negotiator. Tremi mocks and provokes the police while offering hints regarding the murder. A second murder soon occurs just as Tremi had warned. The victim's head has been covered with concrete as they had expected. What is the criminal's motive and why is the criminal fixated with concrete? The criminal's surprising actual target soon emerges...


Akiho Takeda is assigned to #3 investigation team for The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. On her first day at work, a burglary takes place at a jewelry store in Shibuya. The case though is taken by the #1 investigation team which Akiho hoped to join. Nevertheless, Akiho goes secretly to the jewelry store where the theft took place. Later, a safe at a jewelry store in Roppongi is broken into. Stolen from the safe is the diamond called "Besu". The "Besu" is one of three diamonds that makes up the "Kuraida Family's Three Sisters". The other two diamonds are "Ani" and "Kyasari". The diamond "Ani" was stolen from the jewelry store in Shibuya, that occurred a few days earlier. Several people believe the two diamond thefts were done by the same person(s), but Akiho mentions the techniques used by thieves are different. Yet, Akiho believes there must be a connection between the two cases. ~~ Based on the novel "Kakusho" by Bin Konno.

Higanjima is an eerie island occupied by vampires, from where none has ever come back alive. When teenager Akira hears that his missing brother has been seen in the island, he decides to investigate with several friends.


Shinya is in debt as a result of his gambling habit. He attempts to defraud an old woman with a bank transfer scam, but the woman reminds him of his late mother and they start to relate to each other. Meanwhile, Shinya meets a girl called Hisako in town, and ends up helping her to find out the whereabouts of an unsuccessful comedian, Raita, whom her mother was in love with in her youth. Shinya's father, Ryutaro, is disowned by his son after his wife's death. When Ryutaro meets a homeless man called Moses, he starts living on the street as well. One day when the old woman dies, Moses comes to the deceased and confesses his past. Subsequently Shinya resumes communicating with his father Ryutaro.


During her freshman year in high school, Mika Tahara (Yui Aragaki) loses her cellular phone, but later finds it in the school library with the help of an unknown caller. Throughout the summer, Mika and the mysterious caller continue to communicate, and agree to meet each other once school starts again. The caller turns out to be Hiro (Haruma Miura), a delinquent-like boy Mika is initially afraid of, who shows proof of his identity as the caller with a photo of the sky on his cellular phone.


High school student Hoshi Izumi loses her father suddenly in an accident. One day, Sakuma, the waka gashira of a small and weak Yakuza gang in Asakusa - the Medaka Gumi - pays Izumi a visit along with the gang members. The death of their former kumicho (Boss) puts Medaka Gumi on the verge of a breakup. Therefore, Sakuma begs Izumi, the former boss's only distant relative left, to succeed to the kumicho position. Izumi is taken by surprise and keeps refusing at first. However, she ends up becoming the 8th kumicho of the Medaka Gumi! The police tell her that her father's death may possibly be a homicide case. There's also Mayumi, a mysterious woman staring closely at Izumi's father's photograph at his funeral. The situation becomes complicated when the drug-dealing vicious yakuza, Hamaguchi Gumi, comes into the picture as well as Sandaiji Hajime, a politician whose public stance is to eliminate drugs.


Yoshinaga, the president of a shipping company who borrowed money from Ginjiro Manda, was captured by Matsubara, the president of a construction company, and Kakizaki, an executive from Ninryukai, and encountered a rigging heron. At that time, Tokita, who was in debt to Ginjiro, escapes at night. Ginjiro sets a trap on Matsubara and Kakizaki to collect all of Yoshinaga and Tokita's debts.

Isozaki, the manager of the Marutsu discount store, starts the "financial system." Since he can easily get a large amount of money, he can borrow more and more from Manda Finance. However, the company that provided the loan went bankrupt and Isozaki, who had no way to do it, evaporated. Ginji followed him, but while investigating, he discovered that Hinoshita Kosan was in the brain behind the "system finances"

A beautiful young man is riding a train when a suspicious man comes and snuggles up to him. A man who snuggles up to you even if you run away. Eventually, when he arrives at the station, the man gets off, but leaves a book. Thinking that the man might have forgotten it, he picks up the book. The book is "Gay Toybox". When he finally opens the book, the movie begins with an epilogue. The movie is an omnibus of three features. In other words, each book is an elaborate composition of one story of the gay world that is developed in that book.

Hanako and Kenkichi's couple have moved to the two Nagaya in the downtown area where Hanako's mother lived until her death. When I easily arranged my luggage and ate soba noodles for delivery, there was a man who went up and started eating soba noodles together without greeting. The next resident, Soka Chihei. Hanako, who was born and raised in downtown, was accustomed to such an unreserved relationship, but Kenkichi, who was raised by Yamanote, was unpleasant.