Ryuzou Ishino

Amatsuki is an ongoing manga series by Shinobu Takayama, serialized in Monthly Comic Zero Sum. A 13 episode anime adaptation produced by Studio Deen premiered on April 4, 2008.


The third anime series based on the Zoids range of mecha model kits produced by TOMY.


After Colony 196, Treize Kushrenada is dead and the 5 young soldiers known as the Gundam pilots have brought peace between Earth and the Colonies through Operation Meteor. Now they move on with their lives and their Gundams are being disposed of in the sun, never needed again. Or do they? Meet Marimaia Kushrenada, the long lost daughter of Treize. Manipulated by her grandfather Dekim, she plans to take over earth and bring it back to war with the true Operation Meteor. Relana Peacecraft gets kidnapped by her and the thought dead Barton organization and to top it off one of the Gundam pilots is fighting by their side. Now their only hope of bringing peace back is on its way to the sun. Who is the traitor? What was the true intention of Operation Meteor Will they get their Gundams in time for one last battle? Will there finally be peace?


Hyper Police is the name of a manga and anime series created by Minoru Tachikawa under the pseudonym MEE. It is a comic science fiction, set in a period in the far future, in which humanity is almost extinct and most of the population are monsters. It is mostly set in the offices of a private police company and focuses on the life of Natsuki Sasahara, a young catgirl, and her co-workers: Foxgirl Sakura Bokuseiinmonzeninari, werewolf Batanen Fujioka and his cousin Tomy Fujioka. For many years, the only western language to have official translations of the Hyper Police manga was Spanish. English translations have been completed by US company Tokyopop.


Mankind has moved into space. Thousands of people live on giant orbiting space colonies called "Sides." However, the Earth Government, which rules the colonies, is unjust and cruel. A group of revolutionaries builds five robotic weapons called Gundams and plans to send them to Earth to begin their fight for independence. Piloted by five young men, these Gundams carry the hopes and dreams of freedom of the colonists with them as they descend to Earth to begin Operation Meteor!


Dino Adventure Jurassic Tripper is the title of a 1995 anime series consisting of 39 25-minute episodes. It is a loosely-based literary adaptation on the novel Deux Ans De Vacances by French author Jules Verne.