S.F. Brownrigg

A group of guys takes their ice cream truck to the beach and meet some girls


A crazy woman who lives in an old mansion thinks she's with her brother/lover, who lures victims to her.


A dutiful grand-daughter goes home to take care of her elderly grandmother. Once there, she finds herself trapped inside the house with a homicidal maniac.


Newlyweds Helen and Paul go to a backwoods cabin on vacation. When Paul goes back to the car for some cigarettes he's not given a chance to ponder the carcinogenic ramifications as an axe blade makes the point moot. Panic stricken, Helen runs into the woods, only to find Odie Pickett as her only savior. He takes her back to his place, where pregnant wife Emmy, thick-as-a-brick son Bo, and available-since-she-was-twelve daughter Sarah, do their best to give her a "family" welcome. While Helen's immediate danger is somewhat delayed, her newfound shelter begins showing some signs of danger as well.


A young psychiatric nurse goes to work at a lonesome asylum following a murder. There, she experiences varying degrees of torment from the patients.


A misguided scientist enables an alien from Venus named Zontar to come to earth in order to help solve man's problems...


Cynthia Wood, a 17-year-old, light-skinned black girl, tries to pass off as white after getting hired of a wealthy movie magnate Mr. Langley who has family problems with his spoiled wife and his promiscuous teenage daughter and son.


Alien "eye" creatures invade a small town in this uncredited remake of "Invasion of the Saucer Men".


A student researching the German settlements of Central Texas unearths the grave of a reputed witch. The witch (who happens to be both beautiful and naked) rises from her grave and embarks on a campaign of seduction and murder against the descendants of her persecutors. It's up to the student to stop her bloody reign of terror-if he can resist the seductive powers of her evil beauty.
