Saburo Ishikura

Takeshiro Matsuura was a Japanese explorer who was the first person to document the inner reaches of what is now known as Hokkaido. He explored the area extensively during the mid 19th century and created a map of the island that included parts which had been ignored by earlier cartographers. He visited Ainu communities and compiled records of the large numbers of the population who had been conscripted for forced labor far from their homes. Matsuura suggested the name Hokkaido for the area

Chizuru (Anne Watanabe) is the new teacher at Umega High School. Since her school days, she has played violin in an orchestra. One day, she listens to an amateur orchestra play at the local cultural hall. She is touched by their performance and decides to enroll in the orchestra, but there are 2 orchestras in town. Chizuru mistakenly enrolls in the orchestra which consists of elderly people. The members there are thrilled to have a young person join their group. Chizuru is unable to tell them she made a mistake and becomes the conductor for their orchestra.


Takeo (Saburo Ishikura) works as an artisan of Echizen Washi (traditional hand papermaker). Since his wife passed away, Takeo has not been close with other people due to his bad temper. He collapses due to a brain tumor and half of his body becomes weaker. Due to his poor health, Takeo needs someone to help him. Yona (Kim Kkobbi) from South Korea comes to Fukui Prefecture and begins to work as his helper. Initially, Takeo and Yona do not get along due to their strong personalities and different backgrounds, but their relationship changes. - AsianWiki

The twin girls Tajima Megumi and Ichijo Nozomi was separated at birth after their parents had divorced. Years later they meet each other. Both of them have a career within the entertainment industry. Megumi who lives in Matsue, Shimane sings in the band Shijimijiru, and Nozomi is a maiko, an apprentice geisha in Kyoto.

Comedy about a woman who finds a new life after she loses her busband.


The 45th NHK Taiga Drama is Komyo ga Tsuji. Kazutoyo lived during the end of the Sengoku period (1546-1605). He was the first feudal lord of the fief of Tosa on the island of Shikoku. He served Nobunaga Oda, Hideyoshi Toyotomi and Tokugawa Ieyasu. Chiyo (1557-1617) was his wife, and was known in history for her dedication and devotion to her husband (like Matsu was to Toshiie in Toshiie to Matsu). She is the daughter of a samurai who served the feudal lord Asai.


Inugami Sahei (Nakadai Tatsuya), who built up the wealth of the Inugami Clan, passes away, leaving a will with Furudate, his legal adviser, for his daughters Matsuko (Fuji Sumiko), Takeko (Matsuzaka Keiko) and Umeko (Manda Hisako), all of whom have different mothers, and for their sons (Sahei's grandsons), as well as for Nonomiya Tamayo (Matsushima Nanako), the granddaughter of a person to whom Sahei feels heavily indebted. The will states that all his assets are inherited by Tamayo alone, on the condition that she marries one of the sons of the daughters. Furudate's assistant learns the content of the will, and seeks advice from Kindaichi Kosuke (Ishizaka Koji), a private detective, as he senses the air of unease. Shortly afterwards, murders start to occur one after another in the clan.


A couple died in Lake Tazawa in Akita Prefecture, in an apparent double suicide, the circumstances of which were unclear.

Zatoichi is a 19th century blind nomad who makes his living as a gambler and masseur. However, behind this humble facade, he is a master swordsman gifted with a lightning-fast draw and breathtaking precision. While wandering, Zatoichi discovers a remote mountain village at the mercy of Ginzo, a ruthless gang-leader. Ginzo disposes of anyone who gets in his way, especially after hiring the mighty samurai ronin, Hattori, as a bodyguard. After a raucous night of gambling in town, Zatoichi encounters a pair of geishas--as dangerous as they are beautiful--who've come to avenge their parents' murder. As the paths of these and other colorful characters intertwine, Ginzo's henchmen are soon after Zatoichi. With his legendary cane sword at his side, the stage is set for a riveting showdown.


Takeshi's Castle was a Japanese game show that aired between 1986 and 1990 on the Tokyo Broadcasting System. It featured the Japanese actor Takeshi Kitano as a count who owns a castle and sets up difficult challenges for players to get to him. The show has become a cult television hit around the world. A special live "revival" was broadcast on April 2, 2005, for TBS's 50th anniversary celebrations.


When her husband is betrayed by his fellow yakuza and jailed, his wife takes over and fights to prevent his expulsion from the clan.

This is the story of seven constables in the district of Hachobori in old Edo. Under the leadership of Inspector Aoyama, they work together to keep the peace, and solve the crimes plaguing the people of the area. The format and story lines are very similar to modern-day crime dramas.

A new magistrate in the town of Horisoto—widely reputed to be the most lawless township in Japan, uses guile and his opponents' own misperceptions and prejudices to defeat his enemies and uproot corruption.


A band of samurai warriors places a curse on a family fortune thus frustrating the heir 4 centuries later. Despite the Asian setting, it has a sort of strong sense of the gothic that brings to mind the works of Edgar Allan Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne.


Kon Ichikawa's retelling of the classic true story of Samurai honor. When a young clan lord is forced to commit seppuku (ritual suicide), his loyal followers (now Ronin, masterless Samurai) dedicate their lives to avenging his death.


The 48th NHK Asadora Renzoku Drama is Hirari. Story's settings includes Tokyo. Hirari is a young and energetic girl. She loves the sports, sumo, very much and would like to find a career. However, there isn't any suitable career for a female in this area. Nevertheless, she still works hard towards her dream, and at last, she gets a chance to become a sumo stable's nutrition this field. However, there isn't any suitable career for a female in this area. Nevertheless, she still works hard towards her dream, and at last, she gets a chance to become a sumo stable's nutrition consultant.

Based on the comic book series by Shunji Sonoyama.

The tragic, true story about Hachikō, an Akita dog who was loyal to his master, Professor Ueno, even after Ueno's death.


This is a sad and beautiful story about a father who is a popular comedian and a son who suffered by an incurable disease.


Tora-san visits brother-in-law Hiroshi's hometown to attend a memorial service for his late father. When the local temple priest becomes intoxicated, Tora-san wearing the priest's robe delivers the memorial speech, much to his family's surprise. Thinking he's found his true calling, Tora-san decides to join the order, and falls for the priest's divorced daughter.


A young man tries to overcome the hostility of his girlfriend's father, a tuna fisherman, by getting the father to teach him the trade's secrets.


Sugai works as a driver at a chauffeur service company at night. On the night of a full moon weekend, he is told to pair up with a newcomer Kariya. Kariya is a mysterious young guy who gives a silly quiz to Sugai while they work. Sometime later, a drag queen comes to the office and asks for Sugai, saying that someone is trying to kill him. Sugai actually has a past that he could never forget. His colleague tells him that on the night of a full moon weekend something bad would happen...

A former yakuza returns to gangster life after an old enemy threatens his son.
