Sacha Mijovic

A struggling writer finds a shortcut to fame, but a blackmailer threatens to ruin his perfect life.


Alex is a divorced father and overstressed executive. His daily routine is work, work, work. Tonight, Alex is in real hurry and due to meet a beautiful young stranger... who contacted him via the internet. But this blind date will flip him into a downward spiral disrupting his life forever, as Alex starts to realize that he has become the victim of a male predator who is evil beyond comparison.


An elderly woman wants to meet her son’s murderer. A sixteen-year-old girl who has crossed paths with a young hoodlum needs an adult to accompany her to the prison visiting room. A young medical supplies delivery man is offered a deal to take the place of a gangster inmate so that the latter may escape. Two women, one man, three destinies that come together in the visiting room of a prison…
