Sajida Syed

Saba is a strong, studious young woman who was raised by a family that supports her ambitions. Ammar, her love interest, is a well educated, handsome young man who has it all and knows it. He begins to display narcissistic tendencies shortly after their marriage, which harms their relationship and affects Saba’s self worth. When Ammar’s best friend Faakhir becomes a form of emotional support for Saba, tensions rise between the three, and make for a complicated dynamic.

The story revolves around Aziz, who has recently moved to his ancestral home after winning a 32-year-long court battle with his step brother. In the house, his whole family is disturbed with the supernatural presence.

A Young Lady Misaal, whose perfect world is flipped around on account of the desire and envy of her close relative and grandma, prompting to her parents' separation. It is concurred that Misal will spend 15 days of the month with her dad, and the rest of the 15 with her mom.

The story revolves around a girl belonging to a lower-middle-class family and, studying in college she is often looked down upon her parents which concentrate on the education of their son who they wish to become a doctor.


The story revolves around four characters; Arham whose unknown transgression has cut him off from the rest of the family, his older brother Shaiq who doesn't seem to be interested in his newlywed wife, Narmeen who is also a very grey-shaded character and holds mysteries herself, Areeba is the most genuine and helps bring Arham back out of his miseries.

Bari Aapa is the central character of the telenovela who possesses a rigid and dictatorial nature and her husband, likes to stay out of her way.

A childless British couple visit a fertility shrine of Gulab Shah in Karachi run by eunuchs and set off a huge culture clash.
