Sally Harrison

An American ex-con who is trying to go straight is persuaded to be the inside man for an audacious bank job in central London.


Cheeky 1970s British sex comedy. Barry Andrews stars as virginal nerd Jon Pigeon, who manages to secure a job in a sex research institute where the patients run about the corridors naked, nude aerobics are encouraged and no man is safe from the crotch-grabbing tea lady. In his attempts to seduce pretty office secretary Cheryl (Sally Faulkner), Pigeon invents a machine called Agnes that emits a 'sonic aphrodisiac' guaranteed to turn any man or woman into an slathering sex maniac. Although his attempts to zap Cheryl are singularly unsuccessful, Pigeon gets some interesting results when he accidentally turns the 'sex ray' on his bullying boss Nutbrown (James Booth) and the prudish Mary Watchtower (Geraldine Hart).


The year is 1904; the setting is Cockshute Towers, one of England's stateliest homes. When the household is threatened with bankruptcy, both the masters and the servants are prepared to co-operate in trying to find some cash - after all, most of them are enjoying liaisons of one kind or another among themselves, and none have any desire to give up their rewarding way of life...


Blundering idiot is set an ultimatum by his girlfriend. Keep a job for a week or she leaves him. Only innuendo and comedy pratfalls can stop him. No man was asked to do so much, by so many, in so little time . . .


In the late 18th century, two newlyweds move into the stately mansion of husband Charles Fengriffen. The bride, Catherine, falls victim to a curse placed by a wronged servant on the Fengriffen family and all its descendants.
