Salomé Richard

That feeling of apprehension, of doubt - the sensation of butterflies before taking the plunge. Five women and the objects of their affection face up to their futures in these thoroughly modern tales of lesbian love from France, Germany, Israel, Italy and the UK. The richness and enthralling complexity of same-sex desire has never looked so inviting.

Salome embarks Amandine and her team on the set of her film. Salome is disconcerting with her story. Worth it, she tries to bring out something fair, on the edge of fiction, on the border between her fantasies and her ghosts.

Nora disappeared for several months. One summer evening, she strangely reappears at a party with a certain Samuel. Camille, her best friend, comes to find her, wondering what way to behave. The night goes on, a trio forms and time stands still.

Salome gets a summer job in a junkyard somewhere in the country side. Under a western sun, in this place out of the world, her teenage rebellion springs up. From unexpected encounters to shared sorrows, arise promises of a new life.


Nothing can stop these girls from getting what they want in life, but if you try to touch, you might get burnt. An anthology of short films with women blazing in the lead.

Laure, a single thirty-five-year-old, accumulates a series of fixed-contract jobs, unsuccessfully hoping each time that her work will lead to a permanent position. As her periods of employment shrink, her love affairs take the same path.

After 3 years in prison, Ben wants to reconnect with his son and find his place in society. From reintegration work to small recidivism, sincere friendship and the tentation of fundamentalism, Ben will fight to resist hate and find his dignity as a free man.


Charts the trials and tribulations of Ana, a free-spirited 26 year-old returning home to Strasbourg for the summer after living abroad for long enough to feel out of place everywhere.


It's the summer. Charlotte is working in a tollbooth on the Autoroute du Sud motorway and training for the amateur football match organised by her sister Nathalie.


Judith attempts to work out why her partner appears not to be that interested in her, whilst other men appear to care more.


The second film of Rachel Lang's Ana trilogy


19 years old and with nothing else to do, Ana joins the army and, through the enforced discipline and comradeship, begins to find her way in the world.


Judith is on vacation when she finds out her mother is not well. She decides to continue her trip with her new boyfriend with whom she is madly in love, but lingers between relaxing and receiving updates from home.

Salomé is a woman. Salome is making a movie. Does Salomé make a woman’s film? And first of all, what does that even means?