Salwa Khattab

The events take place in a dramatic context mixed with suspense, where two twin sisters, one of whom weighs things with wisdom and reason, and the other is completely different impulsive and tends to rebel, they have many paradoxes that affect their lives.

A comedy following people from all walks of life who live in the same building as they get caught in hilarious situations every day.

A family has a traumatic accident that causes it to engage in a major conflict between its members, due to their involvement in a crime.


In this comedy series, a young businessman is constantly getting into trouble due to his large number of wives.

When a young man suddenly inherits a fortune and finds out he has sisters he's never met, life with his newly rich family gets him into amusing situations.

When a young man looking for a good driving instructor for his mother receives a recommendation by an employee in one of the specialized driving schools to hire Hend (Ayten Amer), he soon starts falling in love with her.

The series revolves around a person working in a pharmaceutical company, a girl falls in love with him, but his financial conditions were an obstacle in their marriage


When a young man looking for a good driving instructor for his mother receives a recommendation by an employee in one of the specialized driving schools to hire Hend (Ayten Amer), he soon starts falling in love with her.

The story of the Covenant (العهد) unfolds in a fantasy world in an unset time and place, in an atmosphere of excitement, crime, horror and drama blended with magic and fantasy. The story of 3 small neighbouring villages and the struggles among the members of Aldiabh family to gain control over the villages and the Covenant which sets the rules of the land. The Family do not hesitate at anything in order to reach their goals, lying, ploting, stealing and even killing the people closest to them.

The series revolves around an Egyptian family living abroad, and one day, the nostalgia of both father and mother (Mohamed Shahin and Hend Sabry), so they decide to return to Egypt, and the children reluctantly agree to this decision, and after the return the family faces many attitudes and paradoxes That would not have come to mind.


The tale of "Mansour Abu Heiba" - the self-righteous patriarch of Abu Heiba family - from upper Egypt, one of the 5 largest organized crime dynasties in the world; the pioneers of arms trafficking and monuments merchandising in the Middle East. The series explores the organized crime scene in Egypt and the Middle East through the rise and fall of Abu Heiba, his relationship with the European Mafia and his struggle with keeping his family close.


Based on true events, three women who have suffered various hardships and injustices throughout their lives are driven to carry out various crimes and end up in prison. This marks the start of a new phase for them that differs significantly from what they experienced before.

The show revolves around a group of friends who have remained very close since their school days. Though life has taken them down different paths, when they're brought back together, new confrontations and secrets arise, and a series of very surprising events unfold.

Hiyam, a young factory worker, lives in a lower-middle-class neighbourhood, along with her co-workers. She is clearly under the spell of Salah, the factory's new supervisor. Believing that love can transcend their class differences, Hiyam relentlessly pursues a dream of the pair being together. However, when a pregnancy test is discovered in the factory premises, her immediate family and close friends accuse her of sinning. Hiyam decides not to defend herself and pays an enormous price in a society that fails to accept her.


A well-known director working for an independent channel who discusses political issues on air, gets to know a television announcer and the pair fall in love. Their wedding plans are put on hold due to a murder that threaten to turn everything up-side down.

The story of the struggle of El Araby who owns a fleet of fishing boats in Alexandria but he faces repeated financial crises, and Fares who dreams of traveling to Europe and rejects the idea of ​​marrying his cousin who loved him since she moved in with his family after her father died.

Bahgat Mansour is an old poor magician that lives a bad life and tries to get a better one by reaching to the rich people. what happens to him and his daughter-that he keeps indoor- then?


In a comic framework, one of the husbands tries to get rid of his wife's control over him, especially since she has a great income, which makes him responsible for home matters and raising the child, and with his feeling of not being important, this husband resort to forming an association, in which he collects the oppressed men from their wives.

The role of the story about the class struggle between the old feudal class represented in the family of Al-'Azayzeh and the class of new owners represented in the family of Al-Sawalim who were previously employed.

Directed by Asmaa El-Bakry.


A raucous and amazingly irreverent look at contemporary Cairo, THE ASPHALT KING centers on Sayed, a swaggering cabdriver and (to his mind) born womanizer. Embroiled in a torrid affair with a buxom neighbor, Sayed pays his best friend Ringo to keep the neighbor's barber husband busy -- but the husband, as well as Ringo, Sayed's mother, father, sister and grandfather, have their own amorous intrigues brewing. Director Oussama Fawzi has been hailed as the brightest young director to have recently emerged in Egyptian cinema.


Faraj al-Aktaa is an accomplice to the Israeli enemy to get rid of the resistance men in Suez.


Famous actress Sherine lives with her uncle Dr. Omar and his daughter Amal, suffering a headache that comes back to her. Examined by Dr. Adel, and it turns out that she has cancer and sentenced to death within a few months and learns his teacher. Sheren is confronted with death by courage, while Adel discovers some scientific victories through which to cure his wife.

Adel decides to marry Sawsan despite the opposition of her parents. Adel is under pressure from her father to divorce her. Eventually Adel gives in to her father's threat to imprison him because of his marriage to a minor and divorces her. Sawsan escapes from her home and turns to her friend Mona.
