Samir Guesmi

Aissa, a young officer of Algerian origin, tragically loses his life during a fresher initiation ritual at the prestigious French military academy of Saint-Cyr. As the death tears through his family, controversy arises over Aissa’s funeral plans when the Army refuses to take responsibility. Ismael, his older, rebellious brother, tries to keep the family united as they fight to win justice for Aissa.

Unable to meet all the demands of his job and family anymore, Mathieu feels he's in a mid-life crisis and hurriedly leaves for the forest. His relatives are left by themselves, faced with his sudden departure and their choices.

Inspired by the story of Malik Oussekine, an affair of police violence which is believed to have caused the death of 22-year-old Malik Oussekine on the night of 5-6 December 1986, following several weeks of student protests against a university reform bill


Before the take-off of a rescue mission, a conflict breaks out between an astronaut and his mother, the very authoritarian director. Only an impervious housekeeper seems capable of unraveling the family neurosis.

When teenage Ibrahim lands his father with an unexpected debt, he resolves to do whatever it takes to make amends and gain his father’s respect.

Maud is an architect and a mother. Due to a misunderstanding, she wins the competition to refurbish the parvis of Notre-Dame. Torn between these responsibilities and love issues, she will go through an emotional storm.


On this beautiful, bright first day of summer, Claire Darling has decided to get rid of all her estate. She’s laid down all her favourite objects on her front lawn for one splendid garage sale. As a horde of curious bystanders and neighbors fights over the ridiculously underpriced antiques, each object resurrects flashes of Claire Darling’s tragic and flamboyant life. Alerted by her childhood friends, Marie Darling, Claire’s estranged daughter, is forced to come back to the family mansion to stop this sale and unveil the reasons behind her mother’s eccentric decision.


Lila has just broken up with her cheating boyfriend and is disappointed, frustrated and hurt. Looking for love and intimacy, she engages in a series of short-term relationships, while her friends offer up bad advice and her ex tries to win her back.


Pierre is 25 when he returns from Wyoming to his fiancée and take over the family farm. Twenty years later, the farm expanded and so did the family.


A recently divorced reporter moves back to her hometown of Nantes with her daughter, but painful memories await her there… When she was just 16, her Jehovah’s Witness parents forced her to give up her newborn son, a decision that drove her to run away from home and leave Nantes.


A violinist looks to inspire his students at a challenging music school.


Aurore has separated, just lost her job and learns that she is going to be a grandmother.


Following a long prison term, 30 year-old Céline must find a place in society. Hiding her past, she introduces herself with a new identity to get work for a trial period in a hotel. Céline finds herself endlessly walking a tightrope between truth and fiction. When she meets Idir, despite the threat of being unmasked, Céline falls in love and finds herself a prisoner to her own lies. But how can one live without taking risks?


The film tells the tale of a widowed film director who is in the middle of making a film about an atypical diplomat inspired by his brother. While he has started a new life with Sylvia, he still mourns the death of a former lover, Carlotta, who passed away 20 years earlier; then Carlotta returns from the dead, causing Sylvia to run away.


Ivan has an appointment with a psychologist for his first session.


Zico has a thirst for elsewhere. He embarks on a cargo shop in Le Havre. Soon, tensions with the rest of the crew and repeated damages undermine his dreams of adventures.


Samir, a lanky crane operator in Montreuil, falls madly for Agathe. As master swimmer at the pool Thorez he decides to take swimming lessons with her. But the lie does not last three lessons - Agathe hate liars. Chosen to represent the Seine-Saint-Denis, Agathe flies to Iceland for the 10th Congress of the International Masters Swimming. Samir has no choice but to fly in turn also.


The Arab Spring in Paris: Head over heels in love, Marwann, aged 14, hopes to win over Sygrid by cleverly re-inventing himself as a revolutionary. Questions of identity arise in this romantic tale of first love


It is summer, in the South. Everyday, Sarah, aged sixteen, sells doughnuts with her father on the beach. One evening she meets Baptiste.


The fast-paced action movie is again set in the criminal underworld in France, where Frank Martin is known as The Transporter, because he is the best driver and mercenary money can buy. In this installment, he meets Anna and they attempt to take down a group of ruthless Russian human traffickers who also have kidnapped Frank’s father.


Michel, a fifty year old man, graphic designer, decides to change the urban lifestyle and go on an adventure. Fascinated by airmail, he dreams at Jean Mermoz when he's on scooter. One day, Michel sees a picture of a kayak.


Adelaide and her two children Jean and Sacha spend a few days together in the mountains. As she takes her family on lengthy hikes, she is hoping for them to discover the trace of a hidden memory.


Milou is a football addict. His life is dedicated to his local team: Le Standard de Liège. Milou has no limit when it comes to his football club. But, when he meets Martine, he will soon find good reasons to start his football therapy..


Camille was only sixteen and still in high school when she fell in love with Eric, another student. They later married and a child and were happy for a while. But now twenty-five years have passed and Eric leaves her for a younger woman. Bitter and desperate Camille drinks so much liquor at a New Year Eve's party that she falls into an ethylic coma and she finds herself... propelled into her own past! Camille is sixteen again when she wakes up this morning, her parents are not dead anymore and she must go to school, where she will meet her schoolmates and, of course, Eric. Is she going to fall for him again and... be miserable twenty-five years later? Or will she avoid him with the result never having her beloved daughter? Who ever said that time traveling was fun?


Amanda believes men are too complicated and has lost faith finding the perfect one. Her friend and a psychoanalyst have a plan how to make her fall in love.


In the shadow of an enormous hydraulic dam, the lives of the residents of a small French town are changed to their core when hundreds of previously dead relatives all return home on the same day.


It's early summer and Agathe is back in France, at home in Montreuil. She has to get over her husband's death and return to her work as a film director. The unexpected arrival at her house of a couple of Icelanders, a sea lion and a neighbour that she has always desired yet never vanquished will give Agathe the strength to get her life back on track...


Frank-Étienne is a door-to-door salesman on a mission to sell empty boxes in the middle of nowhere. Things go awry when he meets a young woman who is determined to take advantage of his kindness and his car. Unable to resist her, Frank-Étienne finds himself in an increasingly absurd situation with the woman, her lover, and his dog.


Agathe runs an art gallery. Her husband François is a publisher. Together they have one son, and in every way seem to be the picture of normality — but emotions are stewing under the surface. All it takes is the arrival of a complete stranger for things to start unravelling. Patrick is brash, uncouth and totally unselfconscious...


Mohsen teaches French at the University of Tehran, and Hassan is a photographer. Mohsen and Hassan are also lovers, and in Iran they live in fear, as homosexuality is punishable by death. Tired of denying their love, Mohsen and Hassan flee Iran to head to Paris, where they'll be illegal aliens but can at least live openly as a couple. To avoid arousing suspicion until they arrive in Paris, Mohsen and Hassan keep their distance while traveling, and during a train stop, Mohsen helps a sixty-ish women, Yolande, with her luggage. The two strike up a conversation and she clearly enjoys his company; over dinner, she offers to help him find work in town and let him stay at her apartment. It's clear to Yolande that Mohsen is an illegal immigrant, but she doesn't realize that he's gay, and he finds himself wondering if he should stay with Hassan or live with Yolande, where he would not have love but would enjoy safety, security and could easily become a French citizen through marriage.


An American writer moves to Paris to be closer to his daughter and finds himself falling immediately on hard times.


Simon, a forty-year-old filmmaker, is more prone to shooting himself in the foot than he is to shooting films. After losing a bet, he shaves off his hair and discovers a strange bump on top of his scull. Believing he's got a terminal illness, he gathers his family, friends and actors at his house in the Lilas neighborhood in Paris to shoot the comedy of his life !


A new lawyer, looking to establish himself, wins a difficult case and deals with the unforeseen consequences that may destroy him.


After losing their family home in Algeria in the 1920s, three brothers and their mother are scattered across the globe. Messaoud joins the French army fighting in Indochina; Abdelkader becomes a leader of the Algerian independence movement in France and Saïd moves to Paris to make his fortune in the shady clubs and boxing halls of Pigalle.


This finely acted, delicate and provocative new film by one of France’s most impressive filmmakers—working here with his son, Nathan—depicts the troubled life of an adopted boy who, as a taciturn adult, visits his birth mother and strikes up a relationship fraught with tension and emotion.


While shooting a documentary about all kinds of actresses, the director falls for one of them.


When their regal matriarch falls ill, the troubled Vuillard family come together for a hesitant Christmastime reunion. Among them is rebellious ne'er-do-well Henri and the uptight Elizabeth. Together under the same roof for the first time in many years, their intricate, long denied resentments and yearnings emerge again.


Yacine is in his 30s, of Algerian origins, and has come to Paris looking for inner peace. A playful and poetic quest leads him via all kinds of strange encounters to an increasingly surrealist world and to Andalusia: a state of mind.


On peut être un couple de bons Français, toujours amoureux, parents modèles, travailleurs et économes jusqu'à la manie et écouler au noir dans le sous-sol de sa villa de Béziers hyper sécurisée, des godasses de son ancien magasin et des produits "satisfaits ou remboursés" qu'on détourne dans tous les supermarchés de la région. A chacun sa morale !


An inspector who just suffered a family tragedy is looking for a missing older man. Man's family is of no help, or are they hiding something? He is helped by a ghost of an actress who died 30 years ago, or is he slowly going insane?


A man receives a mysterious e-mail appearing to be from his wife, who was murdered years earlier. As he frantically tries to find out whether she's alive, he finds himself being implicated in her death.


In Paris, the international police force and the Russian mafia are chasing Anthony Zimmer, an intelligent man responsible for laundry of dirty money in France. Zimmer had extensive plastic surgery, and his new face and voice are completely unknown. The only means to reach Zimmer is through his beloved mistress Chiara, who is under surveillance of the police and the mobsters. While traveling by train to the country nearby Nice, the common man François Taillandier, who has the same body shape of Zimmer, is select by Chiara as if he were Zimmer and used as a bait to lure those that are pursuing her. When Taillandier is chased by the professional Russian killers, he runs the French police when the real situation begins to be disclosed to him. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Philippe Seigner starts his career in business consulting at the posh Paris seat of McGregor. His first serious task is delicate: An audit at a factory, which is about to be taken over. As he soon realizes, this will mean sacking about 80 employees. However, his girl friend reproaches him collaborating with ruthless capitalism, as if any of the downsizing could be mitigated by him bowing out.


37 000 years ago, two neighboring tribes lived in peace ... not fully in peace. While the tribe clean hair flowed peaceful days by keeping to herself the secret formula shampoo, Tribe Hair Sales lamented. Its leader decided to send a spy to steal the recipe ...


Set in the ghettos of Paris in 2010, an undercover cop and ex-thug try to infiltrate a gang in order to defuse a neutron bomb.


This is the story of human beings who know exactly what they'd do if they were somebody else, but can't handle being themselves very well, who are very simply struggling to find out who they are.


Voluptuous and bored, rebellious sixteen-year-old Sabine is interested in sex and clubbing, and not much else. But when she leaves home to move to Paris, she finds herself plunged into a world harsher than she ever imagined, a minefield of exploitation that will test her courage.


El Hadj is studying in Paris. He is one of the young Senegalese men who have come to Paris since the French colony became independent to get a good education so that he can serve his fatherland on his return. Unexpectedly he is suddenly confronted by a problem with his residence papers, just because he has arranged an extension too late. His pleasant life filled with good prospects has gone in one fell swoop. He faces a dilemma. He can stay illegally in France, the country where he feels at home, where he has his friends, has fallen in love and can drink water from the tap. Or he can return (without graduating) to the 3rd-world country of Senegal to use the knowledge he has acquired. It is not only a practical choice. It comes down to the question of who he is, who he thought he could be.


The discovery of sexuality through the eyes of a group of teenagers.


A clown from Romania (Ticky Holgado) has more than amusing tricks for children on his mind -- he has in his possession a computer disc with information wanted by the police, several organized crime figures and the European Agency for Atomic Energy.


On a Saturday evening in Paris, Juliette, Héloïse and Marianne each get their first separate experience of "Parisian life".

Jean is young, gay, and promiscuous. Only after he meets one or two women, including Laura does he come to realize his bisexuality. Jean has to overcome a personal crisis and a tough choice between Laura and his male lover Samy.


In a countryside house where they are meant to explore the troubles in their sexuality, three women spend days and nights apprehending their inner demons. A serene German therapist and a kind-hearted social worker supervise them, help them and try to maintain the fragile balance of the group. During 26 days, in the midst of summer, Geisha, Léonie and Eugénie will have to refrain from breaking down, tame the whispers from present times and consider the future.