Samira El Ouassil

The concentrated analytic-ideological critical power of Wolfgang M. Schmitt.

An ambitious young man struggles to achieve his dream of becoming an employee in a Munich luxury hotel despite being strongly visually impaired.


Honesty is the best? The original comedy tells of a farmer's clever family, which comes to this insight after some confusion. Director and author Thomas Kronthaler packages a fine morality about money, family ties and charity with a black sense of humor and a sense of subtle punchlines. In addition to Saskia Vester and Heinz-Josef Braun, who is mainly known through the films of Marcus H. Rosenmüller, shines not least the multi-award winning Gertrud Roll as a clever senior.


A lifeguard at Lake Müggel has his hand bitten off and the marks indicate a shark attack. The lake is closed to the public by extending a local festival indefinitely while the city council thinks of what can be done to remove the shark. The public becomes restless having their lake closed for so long and come up with a plan to drive the shark from the lake with large quantities of beer.
